⋆⋅ talk to me ⋅⋆

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When Vi finished her delicious meal, she headed back to the place where she sat in silence and sketched. It was not far from the set, but far away enough to not hear any talking, she she found it peaceful in her spot.

She opened her Van Gogh sketch book and stared at the view infront of her, then back at her sketch book again where she already started a small part of it.

Undeniably, Vi is very good at drawing. She developed that love for it at a very young age, and ever since then, it has been one of the many things she loved and it eventually became a part of her.

Not only does she do it as a hobby but it is also her type of escape and comfort. Whenever she feels like everything around her isn't going very well and is affecting her mood and thoughts, she grabs a sketch book and draws it away. And it also gives her the best feeling; she could just imagine a picture in her head and would start scribbling on a page, it's as if all the negatives in the world never existed, it made her escape the reality. And her family also owns an architectural firm which says a lot.

She kept herself busy, looking back and forth between the scenery and the paper. She was completely focused and emersed in it that she didn't even hear Jake coming.

He stood a little bit far from where she was sitting and just admired this side of her. The way her brows furrowed while she focused. The beautiful sun illuminating her incredibly beautiful face. The way her straight hair flew back whenever a wind blows. The way she swayed her head to the song she was humming. Watching her felt dreamy.

The girl wouldn't notice but the boy grabbed his phone from his pocket and snapped a picture or two and immediately changed his wallpaper to that. If only she knew how much he admired her. How much all of them admired her.

His gaze went down to his shoes when he thought about Vi, a small smile but genuine formed on his face. Bending down, he picked an English daisy. He stared at it for a couple of seconds, then to the beautiful girl not far away from him.

Vi continued scribbling while Jake walked slowly towards her who didn't have a clue. A flower appeared right before her eyes as well as the holders hand. Smiling, she placed her hand on top of the owners before pulling the daisy out of his fingers and slowly looking up at him. "Thanks." She said airily, gave him a small smile and went back to her sketching.

"Talk to me." He said, his voice was soft too. He sat down on the grass, arms supporting his leaning figure as he stared at the girl who didn't seem to be bothered by his presence. "There's nothing to talk about." She simply replied, eyes darting from the view then back on the sketch book.

He hummed shortly and his gaze went away from her slowly transferring to the grass and the small daisies growing from it. He acted busy with picking up the ugly weeds that were growing round the beautiful daisies but his mind was actually filled with her.

He wondered how lucky of a man he was to have met this angel like Lady. He wondered how he was now one of the people she get to see everyday, every year. She was like the most special thing a person could have in his or her life. Their was always something special about her and that might be the reason why she's with a band of boys, she was the special piece that would complete them.

"Should we break up now?" He asked, his eyes finally back on her form. Still, she didn't bother to look at him, not even a side glance or something. For a moment she didn't say anything because her eyes were still on the scenery, trying to memorize how it looks so she could make a copy of it in her sketch book. When her eyes were back on the book, she only said something that made Jake stand up abruptly from his position on the grass: "Sure. Happy break up then." Her tone didn't have any emotion, he couldn't tell whether she was happy or maybe even sad about it.

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