⋆⋅ Press Con ⋅⋆

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"Hello Everyone!!!" Vi greeted her camera cheerfully as she was getting her hair and make up done in the make up room of their venue for their press conference for their Border:Carnival Album. It was a busy pack in their as make up artists do their work with eight members. "Today is the press conference for our new album and I am quite nervous already." She talked and chuckled about what she was feeling as of the moment. "But I will try to answer their questions carefully and confidently as I could, fighting!"

"Today, I am wearing a black skirt, a white button down shirt and then the highlight, a maroon jacket with gems on it, it's actually very pretty and then boots. And then as you can see my hair is in locks guys, i guess this is the first time I did locks, or I just forgot but it actually suits me. Oh Jay, come here." She was having fun talking with a camera and showing off her ootd for the press con. "We are all wearing somehow matching jackets." She squeels, leaning on Jay as he kissed the top of her head. "Our Vi is very pretty today, she is always pretty is it so unfair." Jay talked to the camera. "Thank you very much, and not so bad yourself."

30 minutes later the stage was ready for them and they were ready for the stage as well. As they went up the stage, flashes of light were everywhere, making it hard for them to look clearly at cameras. "This is always the hard part." Heeseung whispered under his breath, but Vi heard him, making her chuckle in agreement. "Ms. Moon, you are very beautiful!" Someone from the crowd shouted, making her laugh and that was the perfect moment for pictures because every member looked at her, smiles on their faces while watching her laugh. They love her so much.

They sat in their seats on stage and Vi took a sip of water right away, getting some of the nervousness down. Come on you've done this ones already, you can do it, she cheered herself. "This question is her Vi, what can we expect in the new album?" She felt like every eye was on her now, she took one deep breath and said to the microphone. "Well in this new album, you can expect great music and also a new side of us. During Border:Day one, you saw a newly debuted group of idols, but i believe we have matured a lot since that as well as our music so I hope you will give it lots of love just as much how we put hardwork on it. Thank you." Said she confidently, earning a thumbs up from the leader and an applause from the crowd.

Questions have been pouring on each and every member for the last 30 minutes and Vi could sense that they really have grown more confidently infront of a crowd now because of the way they answered all of those questions accurately and with caution. An hour came by and only one question was left, it was the most unexpected question of today and to her dismay, it was for her. "How do you feel about getting shipped already with other idols in the industry?" That caught her off guard but she could not just dodge off the question or it will lead to speculations, and their goal was to avoid that.

"Well, honestly, I don't feel good with it and I feel uncomfortable about it. I guess people just see that I am worthy of love that's why they do that but as a person with my own life to live I don't accept it. I can decide who I want to be with but I don't want that person to feel insecure and uncomfortable because of all the ships with me. I just hope that they stop it because all of us idols feel the same way whenever we get shipped. That is all I have to say, thank you." Vi sighed as she ended her answer, she earned claps for her confidence and she even caught their manager wiping his eyes, must be because he was so proud of her. Sunghoon, who was sitting by her side, slid his arm around her waist and rubbed the side of her stomach, showing his support.

"I think that is all there now and this press conference has come to an end. We would like to thank everyone who took interest and came here today. I hope you support enhypen and our future endeavors in this career, please give us lots of love as well as our new album. Thank you for coming." Jungwon said in his ending speech as the leader of the group.

"This has been..."

"ENHYPEN! Thank you."

At the back stage, everyone took deep breaths (finally) and hugged each other, but when Vi went down, they all formed a group hug around her, feeling prouder of her than themselves. "Aish you guys did so well too! We've gotten more confident and it was so nice to hear every one of you speaking so confidently." She hugged each one of them.

"We're more prouder of you for standing up not just for yourself but for every idol there is." Their manager hugged her, patting her proudly on the back.

"I guess this means a celebration?" She smiled cheekily up at him, the other members hopeful as well.

"A celebration it is then."

And then they cheered, loudly and freely as they could, happy to have the press con end successfully.

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uhmmm I might be in the middle of making a fanfiction, hint: love triangle, academic rivals -friend-lovers, forced proximity?!
guys want a sneak peek?

uhmmm I might be in the middle of making a fanfiction, hint: love triangle, academic rivals -friend-lovers, forced proximity?!guys want a sneak peek?

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This picture of JAYKE melts my heart.

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