⋆⋅ eyes on the prize ⋅⋆

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Vi had her head on Sunghoon's shoulder and her hands was tightly clasped around Jake's.

He was tracing the bandages that covered her scratches. The air in the bus was rather gloomy.

"Now's not the time to be gloomy everyone. It's our first album cover shoot. We have to enjoy it unless it'll just past us by without anything memorable to remember." Vi raised her head from Sunghoon's shoulder.

Everyone's eyes was now on her. Eye's that held fear and guilt. "How can we? After what happened to you?" Jay scoffed.

"That's what i don't want. I don't want everyone to feel this way. It's our first trip together and i wish it not to be ruined just because of me. I don't want it either, so please..." She begged, her head low, not wanting to meet any of their eyes.

All the boys felt a sudden pain rush through them. She was begging, and they didn't like hearing her sound like that. "Once we arrived at the beach, we will have fun, and try to forget what happened. Okay?" Jake kissed her forehead.

The ride wasn't that gloomy anymore. The boys didn't want to see their girl begging them, and so they did what she wanted. Not just for her, but for them too; who, just like her, experienced the tragedy. They wanted to forget it too.

They played dol-harubang, Vi watched in amusement and couldn't help but admire them silently. Seeing them having fun made her happy.

They jammed to some songs and sang their hearts out, completely forgetting what happened. At least now that they forgot, it wouldn't bother and get in the way of their trip anymore.

"Put your hand in mine.
You know that i want to be with you all the time.

You know that I won't stop until i make you mine. Until i make you mine."

They sang altogether, bopping their heads to the beat. Their happy memories that they wanted to build here was now starting.

"It looks so pretty!!" Vi squealed once she got out of the bus. The moment she stepped out, Jay intertwined his fingers in her's in a swift motion. "Just like you." He smiled at her and so did she.

They stepped into the rocky surface. It was the perfect weather and there was no place to dwell on sadness and fear. 8 different people who lived different lives, came under one dream and become ENHYPEN that the world will sooner see and admire.

They were now brought together and to Vi, it was fate. They ran around the beach, laughed and joked of pushing each other into the cool waters. They wrote ENHYPEN on the sand. It was yet another memory that every member wouldn't want to forget. And if it wasn't for Vi begging them earlier, would they even be here right now? Having fun, i mean.

"Stand there, I'm going to take a picture." Jay pointed at the edge of the rocky surface. Vi stood and posed for Jay's camera that he insisted to use. "Watch out for the waves!" Jay warned as he saw one getting closer. To him, this was the perfect timing to take candid shots. Vi moving away and laughing was the scene. "Now this'll be my wallpaper." He changed his wallpaper right away, to a Vi smiling cheekily picture. "This is nice... It makes me forget." She said to Jay, who was listening to her as well as admiring every inch of her face.

"Everyone!! Come here!! Let's stack rock's!" Vi yelled to gather the members who came running and pushing each other right away. "Now, don't hurt each other. Gather some rocks. The person who gets the most rock's get to be my boyfriend for a day!" She announced.

"I'm going to find really good rocks." Jake said as he searched the surface. "Put it here!" Vi pointed at a rock she already put out.

The boys started picking up rocks here and there, counting it only to themselves so that no one could hear how much they have gathered. All of them had their eyes on the prize. Vi filmed a short video of them too, promising that she'll post it later on.

They all gathered around the stack of rock's which now measured to Vi's knee's. "Let's make a wish." Jungwon said.

"Please let us debut well."

"And come out with high quality stuff. We'll work really hard." Jungwon prayed. Vi couldn't help but grin at his cuteness. "So let us win the new artist award of the year." He added.

"So we ENHYPEN can unite as one." Sunoo said.

"We'll work that hard, so please let us do well going forward." Said Heeseung. Now, they stacked their hands above each other's and did their slogan. "1,2,3..." Heeseung counted.

"ENHYPEN fighting!"

"Ok, let's go."

Jay left lastly because he was making sure that the stack won't fall. Vi waited for him. "it's lovely isn't it? I would die to see ENHYPEN everyday like this." She admitted to Jay.

"But ENHYPEN won't be like this if you die." He said matter-of-factly.

When they got back to the bus, the staff said something they nearly forgot: "who's Vi's boyfriend for a day?"

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