⋆⋅ first Enha Chuseok ⋅⋆

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Someday in October, the enhypen members were taking a rest in their house. And the weather was what Vi called perfect. The sky was gray after the rain but still everything around them was bright as the Sun was still there, just hiding behind the clouds, and their dorm was peaceful with everyone doing their own things.

Vi was in the make up room, painting using the items given by her brother. She locked the door so no one could get in and disturb her moments of peace. She played musical songs on her phone to add a little bit of Paris to the mood.

She was painting a mountain with little hills, and colorful flowers growing on the grass, and a small village. Vi first started taking interest in painting and drawing when she was at the very young age of four and every year she'd show some amazing improvement, now she could be called as a pro. The color scheme she chose and decided on was something that would catch the audiences eye and look at it and examine it with pure curiosity and admiration as if they'll be looking at another world.

As she was adding her name on the bottom right part as well as her signature, a knock banged on the door making her groan and turn off the music. "What?" She asked irritatedly, but made sure her voice was loud enough for the person behind the door to hear. "Noona, I'm hungry." Jungwon said in a sad and desperate tone while clutching his grumbling stomach. Vi, who couldn't resist the child, put aside her paintbrush and rushed to the door, unlocking and opening it only to find Jungwon pouting at the other side.

"What do you want? Do you want to order or something?" She asked while running a hand through his hair like a loving sister. "I miss your cooking though." He pouted, his shoulders slouched. "Well, what do you want then?" She leaned against the door frame of the make up room door. "Anything would be great since your a pro chef. But really liked the carbonara that you once made. Maybe something pasta related." And with his information delivered, he went back to his place on the couch next to Jay, who was busy playing Nintendo.


The cajun chicken pasta's smell filled the air in the kitchen. It floated through the house and into the members nostrils, who got hyped up because of the smell. "Who's cooking?" Asked Heeseung, who has his head on Sunghoon's lap as they watched Jay's game on the TV. "Noona." Jungwon filled in.

"I didn't hear her come out of the room." Jay felt a little scared about that fact. "You were too busy playing. But who cares, i just want to eat." Jungwon stood up and walked to the kitchen, followed closely by Jake, Heeseung, Sunghoon, Ni-Ki and Sunoo, leaving Jay who wanted to finish the third round of his game.

They entered the kitchen which smelt much stronger of the pasta she cooked, making them gulp down their saliva. They were also drooled to see cheese burgers. "Didn't you guys hear the deliver guy?" She asked as she took her gloves off and wiped the sweat out of her face. They all shook their heads.

Vi ordered Heeseung to put the small table in the middle of the living room to Jay's benefit. Sunoo and Sunghoon were in charge of the plates, Ni-Ki was putting cushions on the floor of the living room around the table, Jungwon was collecting chopsticks and settled them on top of the plates, Jake collected cold drinks. It was all because of her order and she was satisfied with the way they obeyed.

When Jake had collected all 8 drinks, he settled them all down on the table, propped his arms on the table and leaned against it, examining Vi who was cleaning the counter top. She sensed him staring at her of course. She washed the cloth that she used and dried her hands before leaning against the sink, crossing her arms infront of her chest, looking back at him with a raised eyebrow. "If your going to ask for help then say it with words and don't send me flirting looks so that i would help you." She walked towards him and grabbed four cans.

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