Chp 15

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Ron, Hermione, and I head out of the hospital wing. Harry has to regrow all the bones in his arm. It's suppose to be excruciatingly painful. Ron and Hermione are talking about the quidditch match. I'm half way listening but mostly off thinking about Draco and how he played today. All of the sudden I heard a whisper from the wall. I know we'll enough that it's a snake. I look up but don't say anything. He's talking about death. I just go back to thinking and I stop listening all the way to the common room and until I go to sleep.
I wake up at about 11:00 and sneak down to the courtyard to meet Draco. He isn't there yet so I just sit and wait. Minutes later Draco turns the corner and comes to sit down next to me. We don't say anything for a minute. He moves his hand close to mine. Then he lays it on top of mine. I put my head on his shoulder and let out a long sigh. He moves his hand off mine and puts it around my shoulder. I scoot closer to him. We just sit in silence for a while. After a long while he asks me if I've heard the voice again. I tell him about on my way back from the hospital wing. We sit the rest of the evening in silence before I head back to my dorm.
Harry had made a recovery from his arm injury. Professor Lockhart had decided to create a dueling club. I didn't really want to do it but Ron convinced me other wise. I unwillingly agree to go.

We get there and they begin to teach us basic spells. Snape is also teaching with Lockhart. We learn to disarm or expelliarmus. They need volunteers to demonstrate. No one steps up so they choose Harry and Ron, but Snape wants someone from a different house. Snape picks Draco. Draco has a proud look on his face as he steps up. They were suppose to only show expelliarmus. Those two hate each other though and begin to shoot an assortment of spells at each other. Hermione taps my shoulder and I turn around then I hear a scream. I turn back and a snake is on the mat. Snape is ready to intervene when Harry steps in. He begins yelling at the snake. He tells him to back off and sorts. Snape finally gets rid of the snake. Everyone is a tad shaken. I know there was a snake but at first I thought it was dramatic. Leaving the room though I began to understand.

"Harry, you didn't tell me you were a parstletounge," Ron said.

"A what?" He replies.

That makes sense why I was confused. I understood what he was saying.

" you can talk to snakes," Ron said.

Hermione begin to have a worried look.

"The heir of Slytherine had to be a parstletounge to open the chamber of secrets," she said.

Of course I knew this but could Harry really be the heir to Slytherine? Ron talked about how it sounded like Harry was egging the snake on to dean. I knew he wasn't but I couldn't defend him without showing myself as a parstletounge. That was enough of them for the day. I go to my room and don't leave for the rest of the day.

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