Chp 18

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I though we'd gotten through the worst of this chamber stuff. I was very wrong.

Dumbledoor and Hagrid had both been taken from Hogwarts by none other that Lucius Malfoy. That bum has been nothing but awful. Nothing good will come from this.
Harry,Ron and I go to see Hermione again. I really miss her. The brain cell count has been down without her. Combining all three of us it around three brain cells. Maybe not even that. The boys are lost without her.

I sit down on a chair next to her bed. Ron stands by her head. Harry sits in the other end of the bed. Harry finds a note scrunched in Hermione's fist. He takes it out and reads it to himself. He hands it to Ron and he gains the same worried look. The tell me goodbye and rush out of the room. I sit alone before getting up my self. I take one last look at Hermione before leaving as well.
At dinner that night filch makes an announcement. Someone has been taken into the chamber. Muffled whispers begin to circulate about who the person could be. We are silenced by professor McGonnagal.

"The poor girl, Ginny Weasley has been taken into the chamber," McGonnagal says.

Ron looks like he's ready to puke and the twins go white. Harry doesn't look to thrilled either. Ron and Harry get up quickly and leave the dinning hall.

McGonnagal continues and I begin to zone out until she drops some unfortunate news.

"With this new information we will have to have everyone leave Hogwarts tomorrow. Pack yourselves up tonight," she said.

Dinner was mostly silent after that. I turned to look at Draco. His eyes met mine with a hint of sympathy. I wasn't ready to go back to the Malfoy's. Not much I could do though. I went back to the common room, packed the little stuff I had, and went to bed without a word.

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