20 ⇾ first date fails

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For once in my life, I'm actually nervous about a date

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For once in my life, I'm actually nervous about a date.

What the fuck is happening to me?!

I've been rummaging through my closet for the past fucking hour trying to find an outfit!

It's not like we're going anywhere fancy, just a restaurant and walking around the city.

The one thing I've gathered from Alyssa is that she doesn't like fancy things.

So planning the date wasn't difficult, I'm just hoping things actually go my way.

I finally manage to pick out an outfit before rushing out of the door.

I told Alyssa I'd be at her house at 7 and it's fucking 6:45!

God, I'm just hoping Alyssa is running as late as I am.

I quickly drive through the streets, fast enough where I may have run a few red lights but not to the point where I could kill someone.

My stupid car decided to break down on me the other day so I'm borrowing my dad's big ass truck that is extremely hard to drive.

Once I pull into her driveway, I make sure the car isn't dirty before hopping out and walking over to her front door.

I feel like I'm missing something.

Fuck did I spray cologne? Deodorant?

I quickly sniff my shirt and thank the fucking gods, I did.

I freeze when I realize what I forgot.



What kind of dumbass forgets to bring his date flowers?!

Me, I'm that dumbass.

I quickly look around me and spot some flowers growing in their garden.

I'm never gonna be allowed back.

I rush over there and pick a few out of the ground, making sure to wipe away any evidence that I picked them out of the ground before knocking on her door.

Note to self: Make sure to get double the amount of flowers for our next date.

If there is gonna be a next date of course.

I mean I've already fucked up one of the most basic fucking rules for a first date...

The door spins open and I come face to face with her dad.

Truth is, Alyssa's dad is fucking awesome!

For his and his wife's honeymoon, they went to Antarctica!

I mean that's so fucking cool.

Would I ever do that?

No, because I get cold way too fucking fast but good for him.

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