33 ⇾ reconnecting

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You know, I thought sneaking away from ballet rehearsal would lessen my stress but man was I fucking wrong

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You know, I thought sneaking away from ballet rehearsal would lessen my stress but man was I fucking wrong.

I thought that by coming to Charlie's cafe, I would be able to get a coffee and give myself a fucking break.

But instead, I've come face to face with my ex...who I thought was in prison.

"Lina?" He gasps.

"Asher? What- when-" I mumble awkwardly.

When did he get out?

"I got out today." He says, obviously figuring out what I was going to ask.

"That's great." I smile as I pick up my bag.

"Yeah...so uh- how have you been?"

"Great! Just busy with school and work."

"That's good."

We both just continue to stand there awkwardly until we hear a throat clear from behind us.

We both turn around to see an old lady gesturing for us to move out of the way.

Asher grabs my arm as he walks us over to the side.

His touch immediately sends tingles throughout my body.

I quickly remove my arm from his grasp.

"So...how have you been?" I ask, trying to lessen the tension.

"Uh...okay I guess." He shrugs and I nod.

"I uh- I heard about your dad, I'm sorry."

"I'm not." He bitterly chuckles.

To be honest, I'm not either, I was just trying to be nice.

"I heard you made it onto Broadway, congratulations." He says while sending me a small smile.

I couldn't help but notice how much his smile has changed.

He used to have more of a toothy grin, now it just seems as if he's forcing it.

"Thank you."

"Well uh- I'll just leave you to it..." He says before walking over to a nearby booth.

That's it?

I mean 4 years without seeing each other and that's it!

I take a seat at a table nearby and open the menu while trying to casually steal glances at him.

God, what a fucking coincidence.

It's funny how things like this just happen.

And I hate to admit it...but he looks good.

I mean Asher was always good looking but now-

He looks like a fucking God.

He's clearly been working out and from what I can see, he has a few scars in places he didn't have before.

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