Seokjin: Sudden Cardiac Arrest

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requests by devils_coworker and June20JJK :) (i couldnt decide between the two requests so i did a 2 in 1 hehe)


Jungkook's POV -

Pranks used to be pretty common in the dorm when we first got together as a group. It was a way to ease some of the tension and to relax a little after a nearly full 24 hour schedule and questioning where we'll get money to eat from.

For the most part, they were harmless, and more teasing and jokes rather than a well thought out plan. Things like hiding only one shoe, switching clothes and names without telling anyone, and repeating back what someone said constantly. They mainly came from us maknaes, since we were allowed to get away with it, and it was deemed 'cute'. Well, I was 13. That's excuse enough, really. The hyungs got us back a few times, which made the 'war' we had a lot more fun.

As we started getting older, and started doing a lot better in our career, the pranks started petering out. We didn't have the time, and we were all too tired to come up with something. If we got spare time, then pranks seemed childish and a waste of time. Although there was still teasing, we gained more respect for each other. If anything happened that was in any way prank-y, it was me hosting it.

I don't really think of anything original. I keep going with the same things; hiding clothes, pretending to be deaf, walking into people on purpose. It stops the hyungs from getting too wound up and shouting at me.


It's been a long week of scheduled tasks after our album dropped last month. There's been lots of interviews, practices on dances that we'll perform on stage soon, and all the paperwork that never gets talked about. We've held livestreams, fan events, and remixes to consider. It's fair to say that we're all exhausted.

That doesn't stop me from waking up in a jittery mood, however. Even though I'm putting all of my effort and energy into our schedule, I'm not doing anything that I enjoy. Don't get me wrong, I do like my job, and I love my fans, but schedules are tedious. Answering the same questions in every single interview, doing the same dance over and over again, constantly focused on the smile I have plastered on my face whenever there's a camera in the room. It's not a hobby. This leaves me with a weird, pent-up energy that I find frustrating to keep pushing away.

As I lie in bed, waiting for my eyes to open properly, I think about how I can get rid of the energy. All of my hobbies seem so boring at the moment. I've overused them, and I want something new to do, but I'm so tired that I can't be bothered to find something.

I think about all of my old pranks, but they're boring now, too, and now that I live on my own, they're hard to see through whilst at work, since we're too busy to have an independent thought. I need new content.

I think about my favourite shows, but I've watched them too many times, now. I think about getting drunk later, but I already have a headache, and it doesn't mix well when I have to get up in the morning. I think about drawing something, but I have a major art block at the moment, and I don't see myself getting out of it any time soon.

Maybe I could hang out with one of the hyungs? I miss living with them, although I enjoy the peace and quiet, and not having someone's dirty underwear on my pillow. I mean, I have enough mattresses for them to come and sleep on. I would even give them the best in my collection. They're too tired to come for a sleepover, though.

I think about pranks again. A new prank could break the tension at work we've all been feeling. It would make us laugh, which are rare in times like this. It's something we could all enjoy. It'll be harmless. No one will have to get angry, or be the butt of the joke.

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