Yoongi: Energy Drinks Are No Fun

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request by LittleSpoonSebastian :)


Yoongi's POV -

If there's one thing I like to keep secret from the fans, is that I like to drink energy drinks. I love my coffee, don't get me wrong, but, if I really do need to keep awake for a couple more hours, then energy drinks are my go to. They taste sweet, they're not too expensive, and they really do the job.

It's an odd thing to keep from the fans, but there's many reasons why I don't talk about this addiction. We've all seen the adverts and the laws, about how energy drinks destroy your body the same way smoking does. It has links to cancer, stomach problems, and heart problems. All sorts. They aren't good for your body, and I'm aware of that, but addictions don't care.

It started off as a one off thing. I was finishing off a song in the studio, and was desperate to sign it off before I went to bed. My mind was flagging, and I just needed something to keep me going. I went to make coffee, only to find out we'd ran out. I ran to the local 24/7 shop, but they'd sold out of their coffee. I should have just called it a night, but then I caught sight of all the colourful Monster cans, I made a quick decision.

I could immediately tell the difference from coffee. Maybe it's because my body is used to coffee, but it was like energy had shot me, and I felt alive and wide awake. I could finish anything in a state like that. Best of all, the song was good.

It became an every now and then thing, when I really needed that extra boost, but, as time went on, and I found myself getting busier, I started buying more. Drinking more. I needed to get the work done, and a good energy drink would get me through.

Soon, I relied on nothing but energy drinks. It replaced my coffee. I would have one in the morning, several in the studio, and one during dance. They keep me awake, so what's the point in pushing against it? I need to get work done, and it helps.

Except, my brain stays painfully aware of the damage happening to me. My heart can't stay that elevated, and, if I drink more than usual, then I end up with the shits. I can't rely on them forever, but they just taste so good. It's not fair. I always lead a healthy life. Why can't I have this one thing?

Yes, I'm aware that this is an addiction.

I never thought I'd end up being the person to get an addiction, and I'm a little scared at just how quickly it managed to creep up on me and take over my mindset. I mean, cigarettes disgust me, and, although I like a drink, I know I don't depend on alcohol. I've never even been remotely interested in trying drugs, and I've never wanted to take more than what I should for prescription medication. So how did I let this happen?

I've tried to give them up. I'm not stupid. I really have tried, but my body seems to morph into a monster I've never met before. My stomach writhes in pain, and I always throw up when I go a couple days without them. My head pounds, and it feels like I haven't slept for months. I'm cranky, I shout for no reason, and I find myself in easy tears. All over a literal drink.

I'm aware I need to ride it out, and it'll eventually stop, and I'll turn back to normal, but the pain is too much. It's just a drink. I'm young, I'm healthy, and it's my only downfall. It can't really cause that much damage, right?


I start my day with a pink Monster. It's easily the best in their range. It tastes like all of the fruits that are red. Cherries, strawberries, you name it. It's super sweet, but not so sweet it's sickly. It's often sold out at the market because it's the most popular.

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