Hoseok's Roller Coaster Accident

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request by Fairytailandbnha :)


Hoseok's POV -

The cameras shine right in my face, and the rest of the boys scream around me. I flinch in the spotlight, feeling nervous and sick. I wish they would stop doing these things to me, but I'm never listened to. My fears are just taken as a joke by everyone.

Today, we're filming another Run! BTS episode, and we've gone to a brand new theme park that's opened just outside of Seoul. In fact, we're the first ever people to actually go on the rides. It's supposed to be a special treat, and the other boys are pretty excited, even Jimin, who is also quite nervous about theme parks. I hate them. I really fucking hate them. I hate roller coasters, I hate going fast, I hate being out of control, I just hate the whole experience.

Roller coasters make me faint. Like actually faint. I lose consciousness. Why that's funny to the directors, I don't know, but I don't get a choice in the situation. If I throw a meltdown, and completely refuse to get onto a ride, then the cameras will film me, and I'll be added to the episode. The fans will call me a brat, and act like I'm ungrateful. I might fear everything, but I always try to conquer them. I've ridden enough rides to know it'll never happen.

I still haven't lived out the last two times the Run! directors took us to theme parks. Fans always post pictures of me looking my absolute worst. Why is that funny? Can somebody tell me how seeing me so afraid that I pass out is funny?

We yell out our Run! note, and the episode starts. I turn to look at the towering roller coasters behind me, and smile hard. I'm not listening to whatever Namjoon is saying.

Somebody grabs my shoulder hard and I gasp, jumping out of my skin. The boys laugh at my reaction, and I see a camera zoom in on me. I give a small smile, not understanding because I wasn't listening, but I know deep down they're teasing me on how jumpy and nervous I am. I know my smile is fake.

"Hyung, are you gonna get on the rides?" Jimin asks, teasing me further.

"What choice do I have?" I ask morosely. I don't smile this time. I feel truly miserable.

The cameras turn off, and we turn around, ready to head into the park. I look up, the sun blinding my eyes, and feel my eyes tear up a little. The boys walk in front of me, leaving me behind. I don't want to be here. I feel sick already.

I start to think about using my nausea card. The boys know I get motion sick quickly, but it only ever usually involves water. I always get sick when I'm on a boat, or when we go to a water park. I don't think it'll work very well if I try it now.

I grab Seokjin's sleeve, pulling him back. "Hyung, I feel sick." I say quietly.

He looks me up and down. "Grow up, Hoseok. It's a theme park, not a death sentence. Just get it over with. It's only going to be a couple of hours."

He shakes me off, and walks away with the rest of the boys. I stop, standing on my own. I want some time to gather my courage, but the director pushes me forward, forcing me to go back with the rest of the boys. Jimin turns to look at me, giving me a small smile, but it's not very reassuring. I really don't feel well.

The director hands Namjoon a map. He opens it, and the members crowd around him, looking at the plan the directors have made. There's a list of which rides we're going on in which order. The first one is right beside the gate, and we head over to the queuing area.

Namjoon turns to the camera, and introduces the ride. It's a three at a time ride, so we're given the option for two people to ride again, to keep the last person company.

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