Chapter 19: Land of Lightning

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3rd Person P.O.V

Last time... After getting confronted by Il Capitano, also known by his codename "The Captain," is one of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. Mercenary found himself in quite dire situation this time....

Adam: Well... Looks like this won't be a total waste of time after all. Hey, jackass! Didn't your mother ever teach you that's it's not nice to sneak?

The Captain doesn't say a thing, unamused while Adam brings out Labor of Olympus.

Then Adam revs up Labor of Olympus, ready to fight the Harbinger.

However Il Capitano did not attack him again instead he just turned around and walk away.

Il Capitano: Defeating you like this has no meaning.

This pissed off the Mercenary greatly.

Adam: Don't you dare! Look down on me!

Adam charges to attack the Harbinger but he manages to catch the mercenary's sword with his bare hand. The two are now in a stalemate

Il Capitano: Get even stronger. After that, we'll settle the matter.

The Fatui Harbinger able to easily overpower Adam, and launching him in the air as he landed to the ground.

After that Il Capitano just disappeared in front of the Mercenary stands there surprised.

Adam realized now there will be even stronger enemies out there just waiting...

Small Timeskips

They head back in to Liyue Harbor to meet with Atsuko and attempt to ask her how to get into Inazuma.

While she is able to give them an answer, she also warns them of the danger of the trip. She explains that the storm is not the only thing to worry about, as they will also have to worry about the strict isolationist policies and the authorities who will be hot on their trail if they're discovered.

Refusing to be swayed by her warnings, she relents and refers them to Beidou, who may know how to break through the storm owing to her vast experience on the seas.

Wasting no time, the group heads to Guyun Stone Forest where the Alcor, The Crux Fleet's flagship, is anchored.

Beidou disembarks with the Traveler, Adam and Paimon at Ritou before being greeted by Thoma, her business partner. The Captain leaves the trio to his care, since she can't stay around for too long with Kazuha, who is still a wanted fugitive. Thoma later helps them pass the processing center to avoid suspicion given the impossible request and the ridiculous amount of Mora.

After processing, Thoma explains that there are some inspectors who try to increase the price of processing as much as possible for outlanders, who cannot leave the nation due to the Sakoku Decree.

As such, the foreigners formed the International Trade Association to survive. He also learns they intend to meet with the Raiden Shogun, stating that he can help them do so, but in turn they will need to help out others first, starting with the said association.


Adam is currently in disguise and trying to blend into amongst the crowd, he was tasked by Thoma gather some black market, materials with his contact without alerting the Shogunate Samurai....

That rather easier said than done.

That rather easier said than done

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