Chapter 27: Payload

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3rd Person P.O.V

After stating that they are here to demolish her notions, they will end this once and for all. Which Ei takes as a challenge to a duel. In the end, after being bested by the duo.

Ei concedes defeat but initially maintains that she is doing the right thing, to which Miko replies that she is doing more harm than good. Ei then decides to rescind the Vision Hunt Decree.

After learning the full extent of the damage caused by the Fatui, Ei has the Shogun return the seized Visions back to their rightful owners provided that they could be found or were alive. Ei also has both the Kanjou and Tenryou Commissoners arrested for their roles in the Fatui plot.

Returning to the shrine, the Travelers group meets up with Miko, who requested them to the shrine.

Miko: Why hello... if it isn't the triumphant Traveler and his bodyguard. And why might you two be visiting the Shrine? A sign of piety, perhaps?

Paimon: You literally told us to come meet you here!

Miko: Haha... I was just joking. I've been waiting for you.

Paimon: Seems like someone's in a pretty good mood.

Miko: Mm-hmm. Catching up with an old friend I hadn't seen in years was truly delightful.

Adam: You, don't say...

Miko: By the way... I heard that you two had a duel before the throne, with a Fatui Harbinger no less. Courageous and astute — I must say, I am most impressed.

Adam: I didn't do nothing. If anything it's Aether's victory here.

Aether: H-Hey Adam, that's a little bit exaggerating! Didn't you fought Signora as well.

Aether: Besides... It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. I don't know what came over me.

Miko: Defeating Signora head-on in a duel means that both of your strengths exceeds my expectations.

Miko: Still, you both did end up victorious. I gather congratulations are in order.

Paimon: Ah, it sure feels good to finally thwart a Fatui plan for once.

Adam: Did you even do, anything? As far I'm concerned. I think Aether and I are still doing the work here.

Paimon: Hey! Paimon had plenty of help! Deadweight!

Adam: Don't call me that! You material Resources!! 💢

Aether: If anything you're more Deadweight here... Paimon.

Paimon: !!!!


Paimon: Hey! They caused plenty of trouble along the way, but at the very least, they didn't get their hands on another Gnosis!

Miko: Wait a second... did you say "Gnosis"?

Miko: As in, the little thing that looks something like a chess piece?

Paimon: Yep, that's the one! You've seen one, too? Gnoses belong to The Seven — they're what keep them connected to Celestia!

Miko: Oh...

Paimon: What's wrong?

Miko: I handed that over.

Adam: You what?!

Paimon: ...You did what now?

Miko: Well... how else was I supposed to save your skin from The Balladeer, exactly?

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