Chapter 29: Reflections of Mortality

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3rd Person P.O.V

After dealing with the Contract with Ayato the Mercenary headed back to Inazuma to meet up with friends. But not before showing his gratitude to Aponia and Diluc for helping him but Diluc said, if next time he visited Mondstadt again, he owes him a sparring session.

He was greeted back by Aether and Paimon, who was waiting for him in the harbor.


Arriving at the Statue of the Omnipresent God, the Traveler and his companions find Thoma, Kujou Kamaji and Ippei.

Thoma and Kamaji are concerned about the recent state of Inazuma, as the Shogun wishes to have some private time.

Meanwhile, the thunderstorms that surround and cut off Inazuma from the rest of Teyvat appear to be getting closer to the nation.

The Shogun does not wish to see anyone as she reflects, causing the two some concern. In addition, the revelation of Kujou Takayuki's collusion with the Fatui and his poor health have caused the Kujou Clan to lose control over their vassals as a new Commissioner must fill the vacancy.

Kamaji then takes his leave to find Takatsukasa Susumu, who he believes can help the Kujou Clan out.

Paimon then suggests to take the Shogun out in public to quell their fears and tells the Traveling duo to go to the Grand Narukami Shrine to meet with Yae Miko.

Arriving at the shrine, the Traveler explains to Yae the situation. Yae believes that the Shogun's will has somewhat changed as a result of her battle with them, but nonetheless gives them the Pass Permit required to see her, reminding them to give it back to her when they're done. Heading to Tenshukaku, they show the pass to Takeshi and enter, finding the Shogun herself pacing around the room.

Paimon: Look how she's pacing back and forth... Don't you think she looks a little anxious?

Go to Tenshukaku to see the Shogun

Raiden Shogun: How did you get in?Trespassers are to be eliminated at once.

The Shogun initially mistakes them as a trespasser, and the three attempts to talk with her don't go so well.

Paimon: Wait, no, it's us! Why are you treating us like we're your enemies!?

Paimon: We made amends, didn't we? Also, we got in by totally legitimate means!

Raiden Shogun: Denied. Use of force has been forbidden. Anyway. Be gone. Do not disturb my solitude.

Aether: Forbidden? Why?

Adam: Is everything okay?

Raiden Shogun: That is of no concern. This is my recuperation state.

Paimon: Huh, Aether, Adam. what do you make of this? She's acting strange, huh?

Aether: Do puppets really need rest and relaxation? Has she ever been like this before?

Adam: I don't know.

Raiden Shogun: This body has no need of rest. But I am an assistant to the one within. If she wishes to rest, I must follow her will.

Paimon: Paimon gets it. So this is all Ei's doing...

Adam: You're probably, right. Emergency Food.

Paimon: Hey! But why? Surely you going about your business doesn't interfere with the Plane of Euthymia?

Paimon: She's got plenty of space in there. Seems like it would be the perfect place for rest and relaxation.

Raiden Shogun: I do as she wishes. I can say no more than this.

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