Characters Breakdown - Sumeru

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Nahida: "He's an angsty yet mature, witty, and kindhearted warrior but he's always had a rebellious streak that led to him doing things differently from everyone else but even in terms of brute strength and raw power, he had a ton of potential. He's experienced a lot of pain and benefits from being a hybrid whilst his human side seems to cause his power to get stronger."

Alhaitham: "Adam Kurogane isn't known for being cooperative as much as he is effective. He slays countless foes with his demonic-like strength, regeneration, and speed. He regularly uses twin shotguns, and his sword is called Labor of Olympus. He is able to augment his powers into his weapons as well as into his body. He is unique in using his powers that can absorb artifacts to further increase his strength and give him new powers."

Cyno: "I hate his punkish attitude, he causally says that. I've always made bad, lame jokes... I hate him for that."

Tighnari: "Ugh...He has a short-temper and is prone to be impulsive, although he can notably mellow out somewhat, which is attributed to caring for the people around him... His rebellious nature leads to having him work alone on "special jobs." In fact, he actually prefers to act as a lone wolf."

Collei: "Beneath his care-free aesthetic attitude, Mr. Kurogane is a person who refuses to give up. He's resolved to reach his goals and save and protect the people around him, even if he doesn't admit it - he cares."

Nilou: "His personality is very contradicting. While he is thoroughly sardonic and hot-headed, he is at the same time devoted and protective, and even a little childish to the point that it makes him hard to hate. He does not lie, but he does keep secrets and tell half truths. He means well and is capable of being nice, but often ends up being sarcastic, especially when he gives advice."

Dehya: "The man has come back from the brink of death countless times and fought back with scary levels of absolute force thanks to his hybrid-infused abilities. In his regular form, Adam Kurogane is capable of combining the expert use of armed melee weapons and ranged tools to pick apart everyone in his way. And once he embraces his "Honkai Trigger" form, he becomes even more of a force to be reckoned with."

Faruzan: "His outspoken demeanor is a trait Kurogane himself has acknowledged, and if somebody picks a fight with him, he cannot help fighting back. He coldly refers to his teachers as "instructors". He is genuinely compassionate and empathetic towards others, promising and soothing others when they become upset. D-Don't get me more wrong, it's not that I liked him or something!"

Dori: "Ah! Adam Kurogane, my second favorite mercenary/bodyguard, makes my business bloom with that stylish power of him but he also becomes extremely shy and uncomfortable around nude or immodestly dressed women, it's a fact that has teased him for it.... Hehehe."

Kaveh: "I've heard takes of a man, that makes the impossible be possible, shame I've never met him in person. I've only known of him by his nickname as a renowned mercenary around Teyvat... The 'Flames of Corruption'."

Wanderer/Scaramouche: "Tch! The way he won against me was nothing more but a fluke! Everything about him is a disgrace! A mortal with so much power refuses to become a god... Hmph, how patriotic, how selfless, it makes me want to puke... Next time, I will defeat him and prove mortals can never beat gods without becoming one."

Layla: "*Yawns* I thought him were a bit boring at first, being a mercenary... But now that I've been thinking about it, I'm not really motivated about anything other than my study, so we might be a decent match... as friends."

Candace: "From what we’ve heard of Sparda, he never lost at all. There’s no doubt that this mercenary might able to reached the point where Sparda was. The only thing that is keeping Adam from the top spot is the fact that he doesn’t have enough experience, once he gains a few years of experience under his belt. He might be able to surpass him, one day."


•Dragon vs Man: Screaming Contest•


Aether: Wow... That's was quite frightening...

Adam: Meh, not really...

Aether: Oh Yeah can you do, better?

Adam: I can give it a shot...

Aether: Oh Well, see about that...

Adam: *deep breath* .......

Everyone: (ΩДΩ)

Adam: Um.... What?

Dvalin: T-This human is terrifying....

Adam: EHH?!?!

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