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Right now, I hate the population in this place and I hate people

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Right now, I hate the population in this place and I hate people. Why do they put up a sign when they clearly have more employees than they need? I just got rejected for the fifth time and I'm running out of patience. It's a fact that I'm very impatient and at the same time I can be as calm as a breeze. The hot sun rays blazing on my skin, warm air and jeans are the worst combination ever. I'm sure nobody would believe me if I didn't have a phone but it's true. My financial position was so low that I couldn't lead a proper life.

It has been a day since I was kicked out and now, I have to call him up to know about the updates of my family's disappearance. I search for a phone booth for a while and quickly make a run for it before anyone does. I think I was already a bit late and he won't be able to answer my call. I remember having a penny in my back pocket. As I search for it, my hand brushes against the front pocket where the money should have been. Realization hits me like a bucket of cold water and I search for it everywhere, if I dropped it. I secured my money and it couldn't just drop, my pocket was big enough for it to fall.

Panic sets in my mind and I frantically look for it everywhere like a crazy woman. A sudden flash of memory jolts me as I remember the hug and Harley was carrying something silver. Is it possible that she stole it? Or did somebody else was at fault?

I felt incredibly lost at this moment and I did what I came for. Calling him is my first priority right now. I took out the penny and rang the phone number he made me remember. I gripped the phone tightly as nothing felt safe. How am I going to get out of this mess?

"Hello, who is this?" he asked. His voice brought tears to my eyes but I didn't let my voice tremble. I took a deep breath and looked out if anything suspicious happened.

"It's me, Ronnie. What's the update?"

"Ronnie, what took you so long to call? I was worried sick. Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine and I don't have much time. Is there any new update? Did you track down the guy whom I saw in the warehouse?"

"Yes, I tracked him down and he's connected to some underground gangs. Ronnie, I think your parents aren't really who you think they are. They are not just doctors; I checked their records and their shifts ended at 9pm and would come home at 2 am. And then I found out that they work for a government agency. Something happened during their mission and they are in danger."

My mind was clouded with thoughts. What if they are hurt and need help? Where are they? I came back to the present situation when he hurriedly says,

"I have to go now, take care, Ronnie and watch out for yourself."

"Wait, I need a favour. Can you lend me some money? I promise I will pay you back soon. Send it to the spot and I will pick it up from there."

"I can't, but I will try. You know how my boss keeps his tabs on my account and the whole system." Why is everything so difficult for me? I sighed and bid farewell to him.

"Keep a track of his whereabouts." I hung up and came out of the phone booth.

I still have that card that Haitao gave me, should I go for it? No, It's dangerous. The sun was almost setting and I still haven't found a place or a job. The money was stolen and I'm left with nothing but with my baggage. I don't have a choice; I have to do it.

This is it. I have to go to that alley. My heart was beating rapidly as I made up my decision. As I walk down the path where the south riders usually have a beer and chat around, I see a familiar face which I thought I would never see.

I smile out of relief that I found some familiarity in this unknown place. But the question is why is she here. Her brown hair was blocking me from seeing her face. As I made my way to her, I noticed that she was wearing a scarf around her neck. The same scarf that my mom used to wear. The same lavender scarf that I used to love playing with. But there was also a dark past connected to it. She fooled me thinking that i could trust her and that is why I had to get away from her. Maybe she could help me in this situation which was unlikely of her but I can always try. My steps came to a halt when I saw her pulling out something. It was a brown bag which she gave to someone. I quickly hid near the corner and watched carefully.

What is she up to? The person turned his back and was walking away when she pulled out something else. She pointed the metallic weapon towards him and without any hesitance, she pulled the trigger. I expected a loud bang but due to the silencer, nobody would even hear anything.

"Oh, Aunt Sylvie, what are you hiding?" my thought slowly whispered and I realized that she was manipulating that person.

The question is whom should I trust now?


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