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All I could hear was screams

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All I could hear was screams. I turned my back towards the wall a long time ago when Fergus picked up a sharp tool off the table and started torturing him. Vincent was no longer sitting in the chair, he was crawling on the floor to escape him and the guard didn't seem like it was affecting him. He was just not really here. no emotions in his eyes and his movements have just stopped.

"Tell me where it is and I might let you go." Fergus says with some strain in his tone, he was getting tired too but the man on the floor refused to speak and so Fergus didn't give up. I heard some metal clanking and this time when Fergus tried to hit him. A louder scream echoed throughout the room.

"NO WAIT, PLEASE STOP IT. I WILL TELL YOU EVERYTHING." Vincent yells and almost every noise that erupted in that room stopped and only breathing of both of them could be heard. When Fergus urges him to speak or he would continue what he was doing, Vincent whimpers and I hear a long intake of breath.

"Valley Health hospital. That's the place you will find the wooden box." Suddenly the room I was in felt too claustrophobic and it was getting harder to breathe. I turn myself around and a gasp echoes while I stare at the sight in front of him.
I was right when I assumed that Vincent would be on the ground, he didn't look like the confident self in that bar. He looked like a fragile porcelain doll which could break in small pieces with just a little torture. Vincent lifted himself up just so he spoke in a hushed tone to Fergus who was currently crouching near a pool of blood.

I grimaced at the sight of the blood. His body was covered with blood from head to toe. He was barely opening his eyes until Fergus slaps him hard on his face. It physically made me sick.

Whatever Vincent spoke, Fergus staggered back a bit but he made sure that his facial expression remained neutral. Vincent barely could open his eyes and half of his teeth were knocked out. I felt sympathy for this guy who lost his sister and I know how it feels to lose your loved ones. Maybe he wanted to take revenge or maybe he wanted to mourn for his sister. Maybe he just wanted to numb the feeling he had inside him. The feeling which kills you and leaves you aching on the ground with no way of getting out. You wish to hold on to that pain because somehow you can hear them in the back of your mind or you can see them right in the corner. But you also wish to not feel this pain because the guilt and remorse eats your soul away gradually and it takes your time away before you even know it.

I wanted to believe that Fergus didn't kill his sister but the pain in Vincent's eyes was now visible and the way he casted his eyes down as if he knew he couldn't do much of what he wanted to do. Vincent finally gives up and faints on the ground and the only thing that assured me that he wasn't dead was his slow breathing. His chest was moving slowly, resonating with his breaths. Fergus walks out of that room with defying silence and the guard beside me ushers me to follow me.

As we left the room, I took a long deep breath calming my nerves but the suffocation inside my chest tightened more when I remembered the place that Vincent revealed. It's out of the ordinary that the wooden box is in the hospital. Not any hospital but the hospital where my parents worked. A frown settled on my face when I thought about how my parents were connected to every single event that has been happening around me.
The silence was too loud but the hesitance in his tone made my body rigid. The words he uttered made my heart stop and I clinged to the rail beside me just so that I would not fall on my knees.

"When was the last time you visited your parents' hospital?" Fergus asks as he glances at me with a knowing look. My clammy hands turned into fists and the grip was tight enough to cause me to wince in pain.
I looked away from his stare which was burning and I knew that he was trying to look through me. Why is it that my parents are connected with this stuff? Honestly, I don't remember when I went to that hospital. When my family disappeared, I tried to gather some information from the nurses and other doctors in the hospital but they never let me in.
They said it was too confidential and I have to trust the police to find them. Oh lord, it's going to be a lot messier now. I know where we are going and I have a feeling that Vincent has already planned out something.

If we were to go there, my heart wouldn't be able to take any more ache than this. I know my parents are not killers. They may have been the most complicated people I have been with but they are still my Family.

"Do you want to see what your family has been hiding for years?" I frown at his statement about them.

" There might have been misunderstanding. There's no way they would kill anyone."

"Oh trust me , there's no misunderstanding. I know them and my facts are never false. You said you wanted to see your family and take them with you. So, I'm just showing you the real faces and when you find them, it's your choice whether to save them or leave them to me."

The second choice seemed more dangerous to me when Fergus has stone cold expression on his face. He hated them with passion and he's going after them.

I should have known that and refused to help him but this is the only way I can find them. I would stupid if I go to someone else from the underground and expect them to find my parents.

There's no denying that he will spare them. I have to make up a plan to protect them and escape them.
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