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When the truth reveals itself in the most brutal way, it hurts to think that your life was just like the Truman show

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When the truth reveals itself in the most brutal way, it hurts to think that your life was just like the Truman show. Everything was a lie and most of all, I think I played it all along. I knew and suspected about my parents' behaviour and I ignored it because I was scared of them. My parents weren't as understanding as the normal parents were. They wanted everything under their control even in our home. I couldn't even do anything without their permission and now that I found out about them, it makes me think if they were just mere robots who had no idea of love and affection.

Even though my brother was the rebellious one, he always got the attention that I wanted and sometimes I felt jealous. I felt like an outsider and it wasn't the best feeling in the world. when you become an outsider, you try everything to make them at least smile at you.

It was hard to understand them when they showed no emotion. They would see a child crying in the corner but they would not care about her. they saw her as a stranger and if only they saw that child was actually their daughter.

We were all just waiting for Clara to respond back. A weird device sitting on the counter was enough for me to realise that I should have known more about the technology. I was never a fan of technology but this is the only helpful way to communicate with each other now.

"This is taking too long, it shouldn't take much time, she always responds quickly." Fergus exclaims while messing his hair up and gripping the ends of it with frustration.

"Maybe she is busy watching gossip girl." Theo sarcastically replies back and Fergus glares at him but doesn't say anything much. Morris was pacing around while looking out the window with a deep frown on his face. He is always the less talkative one but I know his mind is so loud, running with all plans and thoughts. I could see him even though nobody was really looking at him.

He knew everything about everyone and sometimes, my gut tells me that he's hiding something and right now, it was one of the moments. It is just so suspicious how he has a large scar across his left eyebrow. The fact that the scar looked like some animal bit him a long time ago but I knew better than that. Fergus abruptly stood up with his eyes glued to his device. Theo stood up too along with Morris who was no longer at the windowsill but near Fergus and peaking at whatever the device was showing.

"NO, how did this even happen?" horrified whispers were able to spark curiosity and curiosity killed the cat. I walked over to see what they were showing. My footsteps were not audible to them and frankly, everything stopped at that moment. While I peeked through with struggle, I saw with my heart dropping.

There was a girl on the screen with her eyes open staring at nothing , the whip marks were visible on her skin. Her clothes were torn and tattered while her hair was a wild mess. Most of all, she looked like she suffered through the torture and then she didn't make it till the end.

A gasp leaves while I read the text attached to the photograph. Prepared to be defeated and see the life sucking out of your loved ones? There was no way to not believe that Remy was here. She was here to make everything in this underworld hers.

Fergus clenches his fists and goes ahead to take his phone which was delivered by his men earlier. He gives one final look at Morris and he immediately dashes out to call someone. I wonder what kind of sick game this is?

"I'm going to get this checked out whether the one who sent this is from the east territory or the west one." As he goes out, the device beeps again, this time, there was no picture or a video but there was a text from someone else which made his whole body rigid and stood there with a pale face.

"No no no." Fergus cries with a broken tone while having a mental breakdown while we , the three of us, knew better that whatever he read surely meant we were failing somehow.. His knees buckled and he took the support of the wall while the device fell down with a crack on its delicate screen. That's when we all saw. A different girl with so many features alike of a certain someone we knew about.

I could tell he was not ready for the truth and he was shaken from the reality of her sister being held as a captive somewhere. I saw the look on Morris, it was the haunted look that told me he was too in shock of what was happening or wondering how his boss was affected by one picture.

To get a closer look, I picked up the device to see the radar and a green spot was clear and beside the radar, there was something more different, it was a picture of a girl who passed out and she was barely alive with bare skin sticking to her bones and her face full of bruises. There was dried blood smeared and I wondered if she was alive, then there was a reason behind it. a reason which we didn't know yet and I'm afraid that Clara exactly knew what she was doing.

"Do not be played with their tricks, she is here and she's coming to take what's yours. Head to the main quarters, that is where I'm heading." I read it out loud and asked silently, Has the time come? To finally be able to save my brother?


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