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Droplets of water were all i could hear before opening my eyes to see blurred vision of what was in front of me

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Droplets of water were all i could hear before opening my eyes to see blurred vision of what was in front of me. I always hated dark as a child but now I have adapted to it. I wasn't scared of the dark but terrified of what was in the dark. a sudden hammering in my head and an ache in my arms woke me up.

My hands were tied above my head and this place made me nauseous. slightly shaking my head to get rid of the haziness, I look around. I thought I would be the only one here but Clara was on my right, unconscious and bruised. she had put up a good fight whereas I was defenseless.

"Clara," I called out to her. my voice came out broken and hoarse. I wondered how long I was out. How did Clara get caught? After calling her name, she started squirming uncomfortably. she was in the same position as i was and at this point, my arms were numb.

Clara looked around and was confused for a moment.

"Clara, I'm here." I said and she looks at my direction. she realizes that we both were caught. Our masquerade masks were long taken away and our dresses were dirty. This looked like a basement and I don't know if it was just me but the air in the room was cold.

I saw a camera right in front of us and I bet some creep who kidnapped us was watching right now. Indeed, I was right because right as we both woke up in a span of a few minutes, the door rattled and some weird noise echoed the whole room before the man entered.

Hate would be an underestimated word. I loathed him. footsteps could be heard from right outside. Unfortunately, even if I wanted to pretend that I was strong, I was not. my eyes were drooping heavily and I was keeping them open with all the energy that was left in me.

"Stay with me, Ronnie. Don't give in to it yet." I was confused about what she was referring to and I wanted to ask her that but somebody else beat me to it.

"Give in, Ronnie. just like how your brother did. There's no use now. You are already defeated." He speaks while smirking down at me. Anger flared up in me but I knew better. I have to save my energy.

"Vincent" Clara grunts and he laughs. He looked like a lunatic mess.

"Look how the tables have turned." Vincent speaks in a taunting way and walks towards me. He was the predator and I was his prey.

"It was a surprise that you adapted to this world so quickly but it's sad that you chose to work for him and not for us. Your brother would be so disappointed in you right now. In fact, he was angry that you were helping Fergus.'' I kept quiet even though there were a thousand questions running through my mind. Zach was here?

"Where is my brother?" I ask while giving him the stare. he saw the hate and anger in my eyes but he would laugh at it with no guilt or any remorse,

"Where's the ring?" There was no way I would give any answer to him and so I kept my mouth shut.

"Oh, that's your answer." He raises his head at me while backing up to get something. He picked up some metal and it was too late to even register what was happening. A loud scream echoed through the whole room and I finally saw what was in his hand.

A hot red metal rod which he stabbed Clara with. She was groaning and whimpering while I lost the words to stop him.

"Remember, I am the nicest person here and if you come across others which you will, they have the ability to change an angel to a demon." With that, he walked away with his head held high. He was sick.

After the door shuts, I turn to Clara whose head was hung low and she didn't move. for a moment, I was scared for her. i thought she was gone but her slow and small movements of her chest moving up and down confirmed that she was breathing but she doesn't have much time.

With the amount of blood pooled around her, I wished that this was a nightmare. After calling out to her, she didn't wake up. I was left alone with my thoughts and a will to make a plan about leaving this place with my brother.

If Vincent was here, does that mean we are in Remy's territory? Time was ticking slowly in here and I had no idea if it was day or night but this cold will weaken both of us down. I just hope that Fergus finds our location as soon as possible.

After what felt like forever, standing in the room and staring at the dirty wall in front of me. I heard some muffled voices and loud thuds as if the people outside were at their alert positions. Like every other movie, the door took its time to open and the chains rattled. For a second, I saw what was outside. It was the opposite of sunshine. It was a prison. We were locked in a prison with hundreds of other prisoners.

And then, the moment came. I would have been happy if I didn't know the truth. but I couldn't even look at her face after all she's done to others. A strange familiar woman came inside and she looked different as if she was not from this decade.

Her hair was chopped off till it was barely touching her shoulders. She didn't look older or younger. Those same brown eyes and her lovely smile that fooled everyone including me. Her eyes didn't hold any emotion, if any then it was desire. the same desire that I saw in Vincent's eyes.

"Where's my ring?"


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