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"Marshal, I would highly suggest you to get out of our way

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"Marshal, I would highly suggest you to get out of our way." Fergus speaks harshly while clenching his fists and Morris was now holding a gun towards Hayley but she just smirks and her body posture tells that she's relaxed. She's relaxed even when somebody is threatening her with a gun. Could it be that she is planning to trick us? Is she after the same thing that Fergus is?

"Give me the clock and I will be out of here but I know better than that. You're not going to give it up until you have lost the fight."

"Do you want a fight? Is that what you want?" Morris mocks her and Hayley raises her eyebrow in question or maybe he knew what to say to trigger her. He was still holding a gun , aiming at her but I didn't miss when he spoke in the quietest tone possible to Fergus asking whether he should shoot but Fergus stopped him and said not to shoot.

"After everything we gave you, you still chose that coward. The same coward who didn't help us that day and is still retaliating against us to this day behind some powerful man." Hayley sneers as I fail to understand where this conversation was heading to.

"you all had your chance and this stops now. I never belonged there and I never will." Fergus exclaims in a calming tone. It was not the calm that you would feel peaceful, it was the calm that would let you body shrivel with fear and paranoia to predict what's going to happen. It is the same calm that comes before the storm to take everything away from you when you least expect it and I didn't expect it to happen either.

My whole body gets thrown onto the floor with a buzzing noise spreading through my head and Fergus was throwing a punch at a doctor. Nurses and doctors were fighting against two people that I felt more connected with yet I still lay helpless on the floor.

Every second goes by me groaning in pain but I still get halfway up and see a nurse snatching the bag and making a run towards Hayley. I have to stop her but this isn't even my fight. My mind fights to decide what I should do. I see a man who showed the truth to me without him knowing how much it meant to me and I realize that no matter what the news would say about him, I will never believe it.

I saw who he was with my own eyes and right now he was in front of me stopping them to get to me. That's when I decided that I'm going to help this man and get my answers that I need no matter what happens. Our desires might be different but we were heading in the same direction. I just knew that he would never betray me in any circumstance.

I pick myself and support myself against the wall while walking towards a room. I open the door and try to find something heavy. There were medical instruments but I did find a fire extinguisher. I hold the cylindrical object firmly even though I could feel my body weaken.

I should have seen it coming that she would play some dirty tricks on us. As I was behind Fergus , someone hit me with a metal on the head. It feels like I'm floating and I'm in a dream but this is real. The blood trickling down on my face is proof of what reality is.

I heard the gunshots but I knew that we were losing. This isn't worth the fight anymore, I have to get us all out of here. I quietly stalk towards them and find that Fergus and Morris are now cornered and Hayley was holding the bag and keeping her knife steady on them.

I know exactly what I need to do but will I survive? I don't know and I don't want to know. I go for it and prepare myself to make a run. I hit the fire extinguisher onto a man and another nurse. They both groan and I see how bloody this floor has become now. These people were not normal doctors and nurses. They were just pretending just like my my father. They were all secretly working for someone else from the underworld. The people in front of me looked like hungry wolves that are going to devour us any moment.

Everybody turns towards me and they finally notice me which gives Fergus and Morris enough time to snatch the bag. I don't wait and run towards the left side of the hallway where Morris went before all of this. As I keep running , I don't feel the pain in my head, I just felt fear coursing through my veins.

I won't stop. I don't look back. I knew if I look back, I will be dead. I turned to the other corner and kept my run steady with the heavy object with me which was slipping away from my grasp.

When I see two giant doors, I wonder if they would lead me to a backdoor exit and I was right. It was the backdoor exit. Before I could even witness what was happening, everyone surrounded me. That is the moment I think to myself, it's time.

Behind me, the doctors and nurses were running towards me and in front of me , there were a good amount of guys who came with armed weapons. I closed my eyes to feel the peace finally settling in me, but all I could hear was the sound of guns going off and a lot of thuds.

I opened my eyes to see if I still was in the same place or in heaven and turns out, I was still stuck in the same harsh reality. But this time, I felt more relieved that the men were none other than Fergus' men. I'm safe and I'm still alive.

Sudden exhaustion hits me like a train and I could feel myself slipping away to a dream land. I felt warmth spreading all over me and a voice shouted, "RONNIE".

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