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"Ronnie, where are you dammit? " Fergus yells but I don't find the will to answer him back as I stare at those brown eyes similar to mine and the bracelet on his hand is gone

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"Ronnie, where are you dammit? " Fergus yells but I don't find the will to answer him back as I stare at those brown eyes similar to mine and the bracelet on his hand is gone. The soft look on his face was replaced with an emotionless look and the people he was with were now looking at me. My mouth was wide open when I saw him holding a gun beneath the table. Before I could even say anything, he dragged me to the other side of the bar and walked to the end of the room where there was no one. I felt a bit scared when I saw that gun. What if Fergus was right about him? What if my brother just decided to start over and chose this life? My heart was hammering against my chest as I stared at him.

Out of nowhere, he hugged me and all the hidden emotions came out. His shoulders were shaking which meant he was crying and kept apologizing. I backed away a bit to look at him and he said " I'm so sorry, Ron. I had to be hidden to protect myself. I didn't mean to hurt you. "

"Are you in any sorts of danger here? There must be some reason why you joined this gang and chose this life. What's going on? Where are mom and dad? " I ask him questions and now I have faith that I will get the answers that I need.

" I joined this gang because I had no choice. My life is in danger and I cannot do anything about it and that is why I didn't try to contact you. They are all going to kill me and if they find me with you, they will not spare you either. " he looks around anxiously but all I could ask is "Who? Who are they? "

He shakily exhales and says, "There's too many people, Ronnie. They are all in one's control. She's controlling them.". At this point, I was frustrated with whatever he's talking about. Who would want to harm my brother?

"Remy is controlling everyone. You cannot trust anyone. "That alone made me stiff and question whether Fergus is under her control or not.

"What about mom and dad? Where are they? " I ask him but he shakes his head and his shoulders are stiff. It looked like he was carrying a world of worries on his shoulders and it was wearing him down. It hurt me to see my own brother going through so much and not able to get out of this mess.

"I don't know about them. I tried to find them but every single lead had a dead end. It's like they don't exist anymore but I know they are alive. They have to be right? " he asked me and right now it seemed like we both were stuck in this time loop where whatever you do, you just don't find what you need. There was different about his ways of speaking. He was shaking and he couldn't keep his eye contact with mine.

"Is there any way you can get out of this gang? Let's start a new chapter. This has been too long of a journey for both of us." As I speak, he keeps his head down and says, "there's no way I can get out of this. I'm marked as a target and the people you saw me with, they make sure I stay in the spotlight. They are no good people and neither am I. I have done pretty bad things to survive and I'm guilty for it. These people will torture me and do things to me if I don't do what they ask of me."

" Just give me some kind of clue to just get you out. Something that can end this prey and predator game. " I ask him desperately. There is no way I am going to leave him like this.

He looked at me again and this time, they held determination. "You have to kill Remy and that is the only way I can be freed from this life but I know it's not that possible. Leave it as it is Ronnie, I have tried everything but nothing seems to work out. For the sins I have committed, this should be the least punishment I deserve. Go live your life as you want and I don't know how you found me but do not come here again. "

He leaves me there, I stare at the retreating figure blankly. Why does he have to suffer so much? I finally walked out of the bar but my soul was still in that place where my brother spoke those words.

I have to kill Remy to free Zach but how can I do such a thing? As I turned around the corner, Fergus was talking to someone on the phone while I was just walking aimlessly towards the car.

Once he sees me, he immediately cuts the call and says in pity, clearly evident in his tone, " it's time that we go and get you to take some rest." I know that he heard everything but I hate feeling helpless and weak. The pity in his words was enough to not lose my balance and cry in front of him. I wanted to tell him that I am strong enough to not let anyone think I am just a fragile doll.

I have to be strong, if not for me then for my brother. I have to get him out of this mess even if that means I have to endanger my life. I snap out of the trance with full determination and will to bring Zach back.

I look at him with confidence and ask, "did you get him?" he nods towards the car behind us. I nodded back and sat inside the car. It's my choice that I trust Fergus and it will be a mistake if I get betrayed but I will find some way to convince Fergus to help me.

First things first, Vincent has some questions to answer and Fergus is not going to be so gentle with him. But I was more intrigued about the woman. How is Remy controlling such powerful people? What's so evil about her that everybody gets tense when they hear her name? 

"Save your energy to get some answers from him." Fergus speaks and i half heartedly smile,

"What can he really say that will help me?" I ask,

"He is the one of the main members who are playing this dirty game with us."

"Dirty game?" My eyes drift back towards him as he takes a look at me and seriously says,

"You think meeting Zach was accidental, it was all an emotional play to get what they want."

Was it all an act? The rapid heart beating in me was making it harder to grasp the reality. Zach would never lie unless someone is giving him death threats.

This meeting was supposed to rile me up with emotions and make up hasty decisions which I'm glad I didn't.
Accepting my fate to exhaustion was the only thing I could do to escape the messed up reality.


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