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Two hours

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Two hours.

Two long torturing hours was all it took to test my patience. Clara sets my hair down which bounce around my waist. I hated everything about tonight. I looked at the girl in front of me who didn't have any dark circles, tired eyes or dull hair. She was perfect with a lilac dress that hugged her curves yet still held her like a fragile doll. I knew somewhere she thought that the dress was a bit revealing. her face looked flawless and those sparkling eyes were perfect in making anyone believe that she wasn't insecure about anything.

"You look fine. Don't look like you're about to pass out because that's the only thing separating you and them. '' I glared at her through the mirror and did my last touches before standing up. My heart was beating rapidly and my nerves kept getting worse.

"Stop glaring at me. I made you look beautiful. our work is only going to get easier if you just put on a flirtatious smile." my face suddenly felt warm when she said the word ' beautiful' . I tried to put a flirty smile on my face which came out to be a nervous or an embarrassed smile.

"On second thought, if you can't smile then just smirk." Clara sighs and rolls her eyes while I make attempts to put on a nice smile. After the fifth try, I somehow got the smile she was asking for.

"See, I told you that you would get it. Now let's get going. Elias is going to drop us at the club. She adjusted her deep blue dress and we both went out in the living room.

she walked confidently while i walked like i was about to fall off the heels. she had a sway in her body and my body could barely function. i hated the fact i wasn't confident enough but i have to let go of myself in some way to appear appealing and mix in with the people.

as we were walking towards the main door, there was no sign of Fergus or Carl. I should have checked on him but it was too late. sitting in the car, Elias waited patiently for us to put on our masks.

My mask matched with the dress I was wearing, the slit in the dress showed my legs and there was no way I could avoid the stars even if I wanted to. Clara had a sparkly blue masquerade mask. She looked gorgeous and her dress looked way more revealing than mine was. I wonder if she feels uncomfortable in that dress.

"Looking beautiful, ladies. Shall we steal the night and take what's ours?'' Elias winks at us through the rear view mirror. Clara groans loudly and says, "Those cliche lines are gonna be the death of me."

Elias smirks, "That's what I want too."

"Idiot" she mutters under breath. What was going on between them? It looked like they knew each other and Elias came with her in the quarters.

"do you guys hate each other?'' I asked with curiosity to which Clara burst her bubble of anger.

"Hate is a merciful word. The only thing which is keeping me from killing him is the mission. Trust me, all I have for him is a shovel to bury him alive and cut off his head." Clara rambles which I found hilarious. They couldn't see what they had but I did.

Elias scoffs at her and says, "feeling's mutual darling. The only thing I have for you is a mirror so that you can see your ugly face and your loud mouth."

"Who are you calling darling? you look like someone who would leave if i throw a stick?" i made no move to stop their bickering. I could feel my nerves calming down. Elias throws a dark glare at her and throughout the whole ride, I was distracted by them and I couldn't be more thankful.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long. The car stopped at the back entrance of the restaurant. not some months ago, I was right here in search of a job and trying to survive. my life had changed a lot since that night.

We got out of the car and Elias went in front of us while Clara and I walked behind him. I rub my hands against my dress to get rid of my nervousness and look confident. Just then, I felt a hand come in contact with mine. I looked at my side and saw Clara giving me that look. she squeezed my hand slightly to show her support.

"Numb your heart for a while. You can't let them take our family from us." she whispers before removing her hand and walking forward. She was right. I was doing this to bring my brother back and I have to do this for him. a part of me wanted to know the reason behind my parents' deeds. I will find them too and I will get my answers.

I took a deep breath and getting rid of my fears would be the most difficult task but I know why I'm doing this. I took a step forward towards the grand welcome gate and quickly paced with Clara who was now scanning the whole crowd.

The whole place looked way different than the restaurant. It looked like an expensive bar. I could see a man guiding the whole crowd through a door. beyond the door, was a flight of stairs that led us down. There was loud chatter around us and Clara' scent lingered around me, letting me know that she was right here with me.

At the end of the stairs, there was a long hallway filled with many doors. as the guide made a way for us to enter a room. expecting that the room would be small but i was wrong. It was nothing but small and cheap. Now I get why the dealers come here to make deals.

Auctions, drug deals, invasion of illegal substances and what not was available here. I may not be associated with all of this but even a clueless woman like me knows when they see a stage and valuable items around. The guide leaves and soon a man with a mask on his face enters the stage with a mic in his hand.

"Welcome everyone, you guys have made this club even more successful with your support and tonight, it's not going to be a normal one. there has been a special delivery sent to us and we know that you all want this."

"something's not right. stay right beside me all time, you understand me?" Clara nudges me and talks discreetly. I nodded and before I could say anything, I saw a particular figure diagonal to me. it was fortunate that the person was far away. Hayley was standing right there watching the man on the stage with some kind of glimmer in her eyes.


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