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We would have opened the wooden box but as soon as he shares this news, Fergus gets another phone call

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We would have opened the wooden box but as soon as he shares this news, Fergus gets another phone call. This time, he looked dangerous. His eyes were as dark as a storm and his fists were clenched. He picks up the call and listens intently to what the other person was speaking.

The room was so quiet despite the storm outside that I could hear some words here and there. 'watch', 'going', 'good' were some words that I picked up until I knew that the speaker had hit on the right nerve. Fergus chuckles with no mercy in his tone and says, " This game that you're playing is my father's creation. You think you can get away with whatever you did but just wait and watch. You will watch while I slowly walk to your so-called empire and kill everyone. I'm going to burn you down."

A crash echoes the room while he stares at the metallic crushed pieces on the floor with such hatred. This is the side I didn't want to be in the room with. His anger always scared me and that is because my father had the same temper. At least Fergus doesn't become a mad man when he's angry but my dad did. Every single time, whenever I would break something, he would always come to hit me but he never did. He stopped himself every time and I believe there is a reason behind that.

To society, he was a perfect father, perfect husband and a good man but to me, he had flaws, flaws that nobody could see. He never tried to understand me and here I was, trying my best to find them. Theo barges into the room, panting like he had run miles and points something behind me.

"We don't have much time, Theo. What is it?"

"you guys need to....come and see what ...was kept in..." he was talking about the wooden box. Soon after what he said, we all returned to the table to see the box open. My heart was rapidly against my chest and it took everything in me to not look away.

"Mom, why does your ring glow in red?" her eyes spark with excitement and pride. She ruffles my hair while speaking,

"That's because this ring will help me save lives. So many lives. This ring will always remind me that my father will always be with me."

"like how you will always be with me?"

"Yes my sweet Ron, just how I will always be with you."

I couldn't see the truth in her eyes then but now, I doubt she ever meant anything whatever she said. I know for a fact that if Fergus knows my date of birth, he surely knows everything and I want to know if he knows my family as I do. He believes that my family has committed a crime.

I would have cried in front of everybody but after so much had happened, it's hard to feel something other than feeling lost or feeling sad. If it was the past me, I would have thrown a fit. I would have thrown all things across the wall and been angry at the world for days but this was new me. The new me would never get angry or throw things at the wall. So I stood there, staring at the beautiful ring that my mom used to wear all the time.

Fergus might have known this ring because as soon as he saw this, he didn't waste a single second and took Morris with him. Theo was now at my side, calling my name over and over again while I just stared at the object in the box.

"RONNIE!!" His loud scream gets my attention this time and I look at him, all my emotions are drained. My body felt like giving up at that moment but I knew better than that. I will fight for myself till the end.

"Are you feeling alright?" to that question, I could only give him a nod and that's all it takes for him to step away from me and mutter, "I think we have found a way to trap Remy. I know why Remy is back from the dead. I know why she is burning down those sites. She is after us. And she knows that we are a step ahead of her because of this ring."

He looks at the ring one more time and then shuts the box close while I contemplate what the hell was going on. Why would Remy want my mother's ring? If she's after us then we are in so much trouble. If I walk into a room and find her, that will be my last day to breathe on this planet.

I will not let her harm my brother anymore. I know he is hurting but he won't tell me. He never used to me but I knew. I always knew.

"Let's save the people we love and get the hell out of this mess." I whispered but it wasn't really a whisper. It was a decision mutually made by two strangers to save their family. Theo nods and we wait. We wait patiently for them to return and to plan accordingly to take Remy down at any cost.


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