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This feeling in my chest is not going away

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This feeling in my chest is not going away. I don't have anyone else except him and I trust him wholeheartedly. He has been a good friend for 9 years and I couldn't be more grateful to him but seeing someone who I care about lying on the bed with so much blood hurts me a lot. Who could have done this to Elias?

After I lay him on the bed, I quickly grab a towel and wet it to clean the blood. I came out of the bathroom when I heard a door click. Fergus was standing with his gun pointed at Elias and was talking to someone on the phone.

He was going to kill him. As soon as I realize what he's doing, I shout with panic rising in my chest.

"Fergus , don't do it!!" his surprised eyes met mine and noticed that I had a towel in my hand. He cuts the call and angrily storms towards me. It was so fast that I felt scared if he might hit me. Creating my own defense against him, I stood my ground. I was scared because the last time he was angry, he had nothing with him but now he has a gun and if I am not careful then Elias might get hurt. I would care less if I got shot but Elias is all I have and I would do anything to protect him.

"WHY WOULD YOU LET HIM IN ? didn't I tell you not to open the door or go outside? How could you be so stupid? He could be one of Anotonio's men." He yells at me with so much venom in his tone. His eyes were something I couldn't look at so I looked down and prayed that this man in front of me doesn't do anything stupid. He knew Elias but the question was how. 

"He's my friend, my closest friend and the only person I have in this world right now. If he gets injured or beaten up, I would try to help him, wouldn't I ? didn't anyone teach you to care about people who care about you? And what if he's one of Antonio's men , Antonio is your friend too, isn't he? Wouldn't you try to save him if he comes for help?" I said while looking down, my hands clenching my dress tightly that it might tear at any moment.

"A friend? He's not my friend. He never has been, he played me like a fool. He thought he could beat me down by killing me. I was there for him and I almost gave up my life for him. He betrayed me." This time, I looked at him with shock. For someone whom I thought would be a heartless man but he turned out to be something else. But I was never a fan of revenge.

Revenge is poison that not only kills the other person but yourself. It slowly traces its path into your soul and makes you blind. So blind that you don't care what's at stake anymore. However, who am I to tell him this? He's still a bad guy and I don't trust him. What if he's playing his own game with me? Contrary to what I should feel, I somehow feel bad for him. Nobody deserves to be betrayed like this. He was going to give up everything for him but instead Antonio betrayed his own friend or his brother for life. I should feel nothing for this man but his eyes tell me a different story. He showed his truest self for just a second and I wanted to know if he ever was this cruel or the world made it seem he was born as a monster when he was never the one.

The veil behind those eyes closes as we hear some coughing. I forgot that Elias could have heard everything but I will explain everything to him when he feels better. He tries to sit up, which I refused but he never listens to me. His breaths could be heard all over the room. I realized he wanted to talk so I offered him a glass of water and helped him drink while ignoring Fergus. He is currently staring at me angrily for some reason. This guy has something against me, why does it seem that he hates me?

Elias clears his throat and speaks groggily, "She's back, she never left. It was those men who fooled us and we let them in the basement which was a mistake. She found it and I couldn't stop her."

Nothing made sense to me, who was he talking about? And by the look Fergus was giving, he understood what Elias said. Whoever that lady was, she sure knows how to surprise everyone.

Never have I ever seen a powerful man with so much authority and confidence be stressed and tensed. Fergus tried to not show his fear but I could see it. His right hand was touching the scar on his left hand.

"Who is she that you're talking about? Is she the one who is after you?" I asked Elias and hoped that he would clear all my doubts. He looked at me knowingly and with his one look, I was in deep trouble as he was.

"Remy is something she wants to be called but her birth name is Artemisia. She is ahead of us and as we are speaking, she has already blown up 23 underground sites." He knows what happened to me and why I am stuck here. He knows Fergus but was he really in Australia or was he lying? Elias knew everything about me and what Fergus was up to.

Two minds were figuring out a plan and thinking how they would get rid of her but one mind was wrapping all this information and questioning if her fate was playing with her. I knew I'm going to be in this mess for a while and maybe not everybody is not who I think they are.


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