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Six people in the room, pondering about the plan, we certainly were failing to make up an actual plan

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Six people in the room, pondering about the plan, we certainly were failing to make up an actual plan. except Fergus who knew what he was doing, none of us knew our next step.

"forget about the big plan, what are we doing in our next step?" Morris, being our saviour and ending the torture of pure silence.

"Our next step is to create some strong distractions for them." and as quick as it came, the silence came again. for the fact that I don't know much about them, even though i could think of some ideas, it wouldn't work out. After a few minutes, I hear Elias take a sharp intake of air and slams his hands on the table before shouting, "That's it!!"

"What is it, sherlock?" Clara asks with one of her eyebrows lifted in a mocking manner and smirking at his childish behaviour.

"Fergus, how good are you at demolishing buildings?" The question strikes Fergus and he starts to think about his question.

"pretty good, what's your plan?" Fergus asks, feeling intrigued by his approach. Elias looked like a proud kid with his devilish smile and says,

"Demolish Haitao's restaurant. That's not enough for him to be distracted but we will file a case against his restaurant and he will be busy with trials and court meetings. believe it or not, his mother gave her last and the most precious gift to him before her death and that is the restaurant. It is a normal restaurant but if you dig a little bit deeper, he owns a private club from where all the drugs are exported to places."

"If somebody finds out about that club, he's dead." Fergus completes Elias' thought process and they both seem satisfied with the idea. I was too but one question lingered in my mind and it had been there in my mind since the beginning of this mess.

"If he was against you, then why did he give me a card to meet you?" I asked Fergus even though it felt like I was questioning myself.

"Remy wanted you to play along with the game. In fact , she let me tell you about your parents and let you meet your brother. if she wanted then she would have killed you before you met me.'' Fergus said and all I felt was dread because of her.

"What about Sylvie?" Clara immediately asks and I knew what would be a good distraction for her. Afterall, I knew her for some years before she changed like everyone else.

"There are only two things she cares about: my mother's ring and her only son. it's easy to divert her from her plan if we just take her son somewhere else."

"She has a son?" Theo exclaims with astonishment and I nod with a sad smile on my face. Even if my past with her was not good, her son was the only family that I felt comfortable with again after my family disappeared. He was a sweet little kid with so much liveliness.

"He has down syndrome and Sylvie is very protective over him which is why you guys probably didn't know about him. Five of them were shocked and I would be too if I didn't stay with her for a while.

"Lone wolf gang can help us with distracting Remy. They have had some bad experiences with her like us and she is the hardest to get so we have to be careful of what we plan for her. one small loophole is enough for her to understand that we were just fooling her." Elias says as Fergus appears to agree with him.

"I can ask some of my guys to distract Hayley in a club and clubs are second home to her. Anyways, I have seen her in some of the clubs before.'' Clara speaks and once again we all agree.

"Morris, I need you to contact the lone wolf gang at 3:12 am sharp tonight. Clara, you will keep an eye on Hayley and send me all the details about her whereabouts. Theo, stay near the restaurant and I will talk to the dealers to demolish it. I will meet up with the lone wolf gang along with Morris and we will plan to distract Remy. Ronnie, Elias will help you to find Sylvie's son and bring him here even if it meant hurting him.'' Fergus finalized and the last words he spoke hit me. He thought I would be willing to hurt a kid.

Even if I'm in my worst state, I wouldn't think of hurting that kind child.

"She looks like she can't even hurt a fly.'' Clara snickers and her classy badass attitude is back on.

"I wont hurt any fly but if you keep talking with stupid mouth of yours, I can do much more than hurting you." I sent her a glare. Being done with her bullshit, I was satisfied when I saw clenching her jaw tightly.

"Did you guys date the same guy?" Theo suddenly speaks and our glare to each other breaks as we look at him bewildered. He notices our expression and then lets out a sigh.

"then stop fighting like some high school girls." he exaggerates by rolling his eyes and Fergus slams his fist lightly on the table to get our attention.

"There is something that I need to tell you." Fergus speaks as we all wait for him to continue.

"There are currently four hostages at Remy's place and it's a big thing that we have the location of her territory. I made you all come here for a reason. I'm going to eliminate Remy and take over her empire."

"Don't tell me you're going alone in that place." Theo says to which Fergus denies and shakes his head.

"Clara and Ronnie are going to come alone with me while you guys are going to take care of her pack." I gulped with hesitation while nodding slightly at him.

I felt the dread settling in and a shifting rage that I felt when I realized she trapped my brother. I could only imagine how bloody the war is going to become.


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