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The key was tightly pressed against the walls of my hand

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The key was tightly pressed against the walls of my hand. The muffled shouts outside froze us on the floor. How are we going to escape from here? Fergus is acting suspicious and he keeps looking at the watch and curses out. I was scared that they might catch Morris and kill him. He shouldn't have gone alone and whoever these people are, they are ruthless and they are always a step ahead of us which makes me wonder if Vincent somehow contacted someone and told them we were here.

"Do you think Vincent could do all of this? Isn't it impossible to do all of this while being held as a hostage?" I ask him while he stares at me blankly with no expression. His cold demeanor confirmed my doubt that he indeed was cooking up a plan.

His relaxed shoulders and his hands resting on the rug irked me, how could he be so calm in this situation? The gun in his trousers doesn't go unnoticed but it is still not safe for us. Twenty people against two, it's definitely not a heroic moment.

"You think I would come to an unknown place without any information about it? About Vincent, we have known each other for years and his tactics are getting old." He shrugs and stares at the wall blankly as if he was waiting for the chaos to end. He keeps playing with the ivory statue in his hands. I have no idea how we ended up like this, me huddled against the cabinet in the most uncomfortable position and him stretching his legs in front of him. I might look alarmed but the guy beside me was somehow smarter and deadlier than me. He mastered in letting people think they know him when truly, they don't know a thing about him.

"What about Morris? He is all alone and they might get to him and we know they are not going to spare anyone." My panicked tone caught him off guard and he looked at me like I had just grown a second head. He sighs out of annoyance and turns his body towards me.

"I'm going to say this one last time and one time only. I'm the most powerful leader here and I'm powerful for some reason. Don't ever doubt my decisions otherwise you might have to doubt yourself for living in such a fantasy world. don't make me reveal the ugly truth to you, Ronnie. Things aren't the way you see it. They are much more complicated and you're just a fish in the sea. You have to think about your actions and consequences because there are sharks around to devour you when they get a chance."

My lips were parted and my eyes were as big as an owl's eyes would be. I didn't know what to say or if I should just accept that I really don't know anything. I twirled the key that I found in one of the potted plants around my fingers until I caught a glimpse of a metal piece on the floor.

The rug might have shifted a little bit when we rushed behind the cabinet. The cream-coloured rug now can't hide what was underneath. I shifted my body so that I could get a good look on the silver metal and as I pushed the rug away.

"What the hell?" and that was exactly my thought. I didn't know which was more surprising, Fergus being shocked or a keyhole on the floor. This looks more absurd than it looks in reality. Why would my dad drill a freaking keyhole on the floor? Snapping out of my shock, I tell myself that this is all just a coincidence.

Maybe a guy stumbled up here in this room and accidently drilled a hole while being drunk and my dad decided to keep it. It sounds insane but why is it so hard for me to believe that my dad was probably keeping a secret?

I put the key in and twist in only to hear a click. Fergus removes the rug on the floor and there it was. A door to another secret that my family has kept me out of. Why dad, just why? What are you hiding?

It was more visible now, the door handle and the distinct separation of the floor and the door. Nobody would notice it much if they don't look close enough. The door had no polish over it while the floor was shining. I pulled the handle upwards and let it fall gently on the other side.

It was hard to see anything in there but whatever my dad was hiding, I needed to see what it was. If he was truly hiding the wooden box in here then my family is definitely connected to underworld business. The shouts were now a mere whisper and no noise could be heard from the other side of the main door.

I looked at Fergus and signaled him about how this place quietened down. Did they leave? He again looks at his watch and sighs. The once locked door rattles and I leap out of my crouching position. The door unlocks and a bloody man comes in. How did he get a key for this room? Most importantly, if he's the only one who survived, did he kill them?

"Potential threats terminated, sir." Morris says and Fergus wasn't at all disturbed by his bloody face.

"Great, now that you have come. We found a way to find the wooden box. Come with us and make sure that you lock the main door."

"Yes sir."

Morris barges in and locks the door, walks towards the secret door. We waste no time grabbing the flashlights that Morris gave us and slowly creep in the dark room. Who knew a hospital could be hiding such a dirty secret?
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