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The air around us was choking us

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The air around us was choking us. My body is an example of irony. I know my body is shutting off due to the amount of tiredness I feel but something in me is awake, the urge to know the whole truth is too intense. I know how this is going to end yet I make no move to stop myself from uncovering the veil that my family has been hiding behind for years. You would think this veil will tell you the truth but no, that's not what happens. This veil is the happy bubble you have been living in for god knows how long and when the bubble bursts, that's when you see the world with no more beautiful reflections and fabricated lies.

It feels weird to even think how one deal with Fergus made me come here and learn that my dad was hiding something from me. It feels too coincidental now that Fergus keeps going to the places that are connected to me, or am I just overthinking all of this?

My feet halt when the sudden light blinds me. The constant buzz through the walls could be heard now and as my eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness, I saw the veil in front of me. The veil that I had been trying to find, it was now impossible to ignore what was kept on the table.

"Holy shit!!" Morris exclaims and by guessing Fergus' expression, he was shocked to see. It feels like years ago but I remember the night when I was roaming around the house I was kept in. I found the newspapers dated back decades ago.

Every august 13th , there were cases of some valuable items being stolen. It happened every year and the police were helpless and watched it all happen again and again until it all stopped as if whoever did this was dead or pretending to be dead. A huge table in front of me, filled with the artifacts and weapons. The weapons which were used by the wealthy people back in the 1990's.

I take in the classic look of a bunker and how the technology seemed old by the looks of it which meant this place hasn't been used recently. For the knowledge I had, this looked like a home. There were rusted pots and a bunker bed. I step forward to get a closer look on the wall beside the bed.

I recognise the familiar curves and the words he always used to utter when I was a kid. Those words, his voice and everything about this room brought the tightness in my chest again. I feel eyelids damp when his voice echoes in my mind again but this time , these were tears of betrayal. Why dad? Why did you lie to me?

" The truth is the real gem nobody can own, instead it owns you till you die." Fergus mutters under his breath yet it resonates throughout the whole room. there was just so much he said but didn't at the same time. I now knew who he was, who he really was. Behind that pretense of being a doctor , he was a conman. A conman who was obsessed with gold and wanted it all to himself. I understood why he would never let me touch his stuff and how he would always talk about gold in strange phrases.

" You guys need to see this" Morris' astonished tone surprises us and we go to see what he was pointing at. Our pale faces were evident on the shiny mirror. It was not just a mirror. It was the same Parisian planetarium clock that was stolen from a museum in Switzerland. The same clock which was declared stolen by the Vulture gang. All the newspapers, all those facts were so wrong about this. They claimed that this was stolen by a man who controlled the underworld which we knew nothing about but this was all done by a conman, a mad man who turned out to be my father.

No words were spoken and we didn't need to. We found what we came for. I came for the truth and Fergus came for his wooden box which was now seen through the glass. like Fergus describes, it was very small and it could fit into your hand.

"We need to leave quickly before one of the nurses or the men barge in here." Fergus hastily speaks as he cautiously picks up the artifact and puts it into a small black bag which I failed to notice that he brought it with him. Morris nods and walks in front of us. My heart again leaps against my heart as we all climb back to the room.

The sudden bright light blinding us and the suffocating air finally leaving us, made us all exhale a heavy breath. We all leave the room in a rush and I take one final look back at the room which made me believe all those lies that my father told me and all those times where I was the happiest in my life. All I see now is the darkness surrounding me in the fastest way possible.

As we step outside the room, the scenario changes in a blink of an eye, the lights flickering and the trails of blood on the floor made it seem like an onscreen set of a murder film. Sadly, it was all real and Fergus looked at Morris with satisfaction and pride.

"Good job, Morris. Are you sure you terminated all of them?"

"Yes sir, they all have been terminated. Few nurses have been handed over to our people. Everything is clear."

Fergus nods and I walk with them , trying to match with their pace and not sparing a glance at the black hooded bodies lying on the floor. Tossing my emotions aside, I try to make myself unfazed because the stench was slowly making me realize that maybe these people aren't who I think they are.

"Did they find any-" Fergus's voice cuts off with a loud shrill voice.

"You took a long time to come here." a woman appears in front of us and an audible gasp echoes in the hall. That same fiery attitude and a familiar voice who stole something from a long time ago.


Sudden realization hits me that maybe the people around me are showing their true colours now. First my brother, my dad and now her.


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