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There was a time where I would die rather than let my family get hurt but now I can't

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There was a time where I would die rather than let my family get hurt but now I can't. Everything my parents said was a lie. My whole life has been a lie. I wouldn't have thought like this before he said something else. Something that would shock me to the point I couldn't move.

Few minutes earlier,

"How?" I stuttered, not believing what he said. He then takes out his phone and scrolls to find something and when he finds it, he gives it to me to look at it but I don't.

"That's what your parents have been doing for years." He pointed towards the phone which was now held by now. I gulped to take a look at what he wanted to show. There were no words to describe it. It was the feeling of betrayal which hit me hard. The truth, it was out. The purest form of truth can either be so beautiful or ugly that it kills the person in the process. That's what it did to me.

I look at the photos, trying to not throw up. The room was filled with my trembling laboured breaths. I look at reality. There was only one question in my mind and I knew the answer that I wanted was with my parents.

There were documents of patients who weren't diagnosed with any kind of disorder and as I swipe right, I notice the changes in the document. The documents now were describing a severe mentally ill patient and as my parents were doctors, of course people would believe them. They would always believe the sweet lies rather than the bitter truth.

"They were trafficking people and this business was going successful only because of your family. You know what's the worst part? The people you are looking at are dead and some of them were children too. They would sell them in return for the drugs and sometimes, they were half burnt to send a warning to the rivals. Those were the rules here. These people don't have a heart and if they did, they would rather die than show any mercy to anyone. Not even the people who deserve to know that their children are not here anymore." Fergus hesitantly speaks and I look at the innocent kids' profiles which dated back till 10 years.

They weren't my parents. They weren't my family. If I see them, I would gladly make them deserve hell. Such heartless deeds were unforgivable and it hurt that the people I have been looking for were the ones who were responsible for most of the parents looking for their children like mad people, hoping they would be alive. looking through the reports, every information was confidential and the patients were thoroughly looked into.

The aching didn't seem to go away. Countless tears fell down on my cheek and I didn't put any effort to wipe them away. These countless tears weren't only for the patients who died but also that I finally gave up. After everything I did for these three years to find them, it was all just for nothing. They had been lying to their daughter and their son that they were loving and caring people. A choked sob escapes as I finally let myself break down for the first time in years. I finally let myself go and let my emotions absolutely destroy me emotionally. I sniffed, trying to calm down while Fergus sighs heavily while taking his phone back.

"Hold yourself up for now, I know you won't search for them but I need you to lure them out. You're my only chance now. if you turn your back on this then your parents are going to keep doing this." Fergus looks at me while silently begging me to stay strong and not fall apart.

"Why? You have the power and your men who are trained best. What am I even going to do?" My question throws him off guard.

"You have no idea how much you accelerated the plan. You don't know how many people have come forward because trust me, everybody wants something from your parents and from now onwards, we are going to execute the plan. This time, I will be there to protect you and fight beside you. I won't let those bastards hurt you, not anymore." He gazes at the bruises on my neck and suddenly I felt exposed to him. He could read me just like how he would read my soul like an open book when I first met him.

"Remy will only show herself if you step into the spotlight. She needs the ring to run her business in the world. She wants power and only you can trap her." His words held a meaning which I couldn't understand.

I smiled and it might have been a forced one but I appreciated that somebody was willing to be there for me. I knew that he had known about my life before he even met me and I also knew that he used me to lure them out but I didn't ignore the storm in my mind. There was a storm inside me built with lies and the betrayal that your own family could possibly give you.

The photos were undeniably the evidence that destroyed the goodness I thought of them. Revenge was never an answer to anything but luring them out and fighting for justice was all I could do to repay those poor souls.


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