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Not again

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Not again.

I hit my head against the floor twice and my head was now throbbing in pain. The ache slowly started to increase more and more till I could hear the ringing noise clear and loud in my head.

"you piece of shit, freaking die already." I couldn't breathe, not only because he was weighing me down, he was choking me. I hit his hands pathetically, trying to get his hands off but he wouldn't budge. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Theo getting beaten by Sylvie and getting up to fight against her knives.

There was no chance that I was going to die today. His hands strangling my neck took all the energy and the only thing I could do was reach for anything. I wanted to grab the heavy book that fell next to me. It was a long shot but I have to take the risk. I wasn't breathing. In fact, nobody was breathing and it is only a matter of a few seconds that we will all pass out.

I felt the tip of the book on my fingertips and wasted no time to take it. I hit his head with the energy left in me. Thankfully, he lets go of my neck but I shouldn't breathe. I sucked up the last oxygen in my body and hit his head again. I didn't know that I was hitting him again and again till I felt myself pulled away from the body. He was now bleeding on the floor and Theo was muttering something which I couldn't decipher.

"He's passed out. We have to protect this bag, Ronnie. Let's go." 

He immediately took my arm and ran upstairs to the room which was the farthest. I noticed that he was clutching the bag to his side. Once we were in the room, we inhaled like a whale. I coughed out and the tightness in my chest was gone. It definitely hurt to speak but Theo understood. He took his phone and dialled someone. I'm assuming he would be calling Morris who has a phone unlike me and Fergus who broke the phone a while ago.

I slid against the wall and caught my breath but my vision was becoming hazy. I rested against the wall but I still listened to the ringing and waited for him to pick up.

"Where the hell are you? Get here as soon as possible. You were right, she came right after you left. She was right here, in this house."

"There's something you need to know. She is Ronnie's aunt. NO, I didn't know that."

"Just come here and I will explain everything. Ronnie is beaten badly and she is not looking so good right now."

I heard some shuffling noises and opened my heavy eyelids to see Theo wearing a cloth around his mouth and nose.

"I'm going to take care of the guy downstairs. If anything happens, call Morris right away. Maybe I will get to live for two more weeks." Theo says before heading out. I held the cellphone he gave me tightly. My body hurts like hell. I was tired and exhausted after a pathetic fight I put up with.

One of the reasons why I felt exhausted was because Fergus and Morris knew this would happen. It did hurt me a little bit because that makes me a bait in their game. I will always be a bait for them. First at the hotel, then at the hospital and now here.

It didn't take much to notice how things were happening around me. something had to be connected to me. What if Fergus was planning something else and I got it all wrong? That thought sent chills throughout my body. I hope I'm wrong. I hope the people I'm stuck with are the right people I need to trust.

Trust. That's all I needed from them and they trusted Theo more than me. shuddering, I felt my body grow cold. I'm gonna have a talk with them and this time, it will be all true and if otherwise then this place is not good for me. I have been good at being alone so it won't be a problem for me to go back to where I was.

Those heart breaking words were resonating in my mind again and again. She didn't care about me. She wanted to kill me for something that was way more important than her own blood. Sylvie escaped but I know she is going to take what's hers. That's just who she is.

I will no longer be the victim that gets played over by these players in this twisted game. I am going to be prepared for the next attack because now I know that my family is definitely connected to the underworld.


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