40 | Lionhearted

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We detached the huskies from the sleigh and let them ran off by themselves as we sank the sleigh in where the ice had melted. We disposed our skates in a river and ran all the way to our territory, never stopping to take a breath.

"What are we going to do?" Shoko asked as I shrugged and forced my red ieyes back to their original color as we entered our territory. I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door, seeing Wayme seated there with Keb, laptop in their laps.

"For the love of deathmatch." Wayme let out a sigh of relief. "We thought we've lost you." He stood up from the couch and put his laptop aside and grabbed me in a bro hug, then nodded to Shoko. "Thank you for bringing her back."

"Actually it was her who got me out of there." He said quietly as Wayme raised his eyebrow at me and nodded. "Thank you commander, for bringing the chef back." I nodded curtly and smiled at him before turning to Karo who kept me in her embrace.

"I'm glad that you're alright." She said as I smiled at her when Keb, who was typing away at the computer turned around and looked at me.

"Any news from Light Out, Mot?"

"What?" I snapped before turning around and froze, "I'm so sorry Keb, for snapping, but I don't have any other news from Light Out except the fact that they're attacking soon. After Iancyk woke up." I added, "and why am I called Mot?"

"Way for Wayme, Keb for Kebaya, and Mot for Mothwhisker." He said, before focusing on the screen once more. "And don't worry about snapping, you know I get... Snappy sometimes." I moved towards the back of the couch and leaned on the back of the couch. "What about Karo?" I said suddenly as she sat down on the nearest seat, next to the large wooden dining table.

"Kar." He replied, still scrolling over some articles about strategy.

"Kar. Kar Kar." Karo snorted and started going through the texts in her gadget.

"Wait, stop there." I pointed a finger towards the line of text Iancyk launches attack towards fellow tribes. "This one."

"Should we play some Lindsey, Mot?"

"No no, just focus." I shushed him and started reading through the lines. He stopped midway and slammed the laptop shut.

"Those are just bull craps, you know?" He yelled and tossed the laptop aside as Wayme sat down and pat him on the shoulder, attempting to calm her down. Karo 'tsk'ed and shook her head in defeat as she kept going through texts in her phone, "Kreb kreb can't take it." Keb turned around and his eyes turned green and he curled up his fist.

"He can't destroy the alliance." Wayme spoke, placing a paw on his shoulder firmly. "DCF would be the first defence. When DCF is still strong enough to fight back, there is no way forBH to be lost." He smiled at Karo, who practically popped a chocolate into her jaw, which she had grabbed from the table.

"You'd better be." She spoke with a jawful of chocolate as she glared at Wayme, who was giving her a genuine smile.


The phone rang as Karo rushed into the kitchen, picking up a call from whom she called special. She came out moments later, her face pale. "We have to go to the border right now."

"What?" Keb looked up from his drink and I pursed my lips.

"It's Cyk." She stated flatly as Wayme stood up from the couch, with a drink in hand. His eyes shone bright red as we stood up and grabbed our shotguns.

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