Bullied By My Boyfriend Best Friend (Harry,Niall, and Liam Fan Fiction)

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I'm Hallie. Hallie Dawson. I live in Holmes,Chapel with my mother name Joanna and my step dad who name is Johnathan. My mom always work 24/7 and travel. While I stay home with my step dad who beats me a lot. He always drink and yells at me.

Plus he even invite random girls to our house. I would tell my mom but it will break her heart and I don't want to see her cry again. You might wonder where my real dad is. Well..he died. How?

Because we were at this football game. And he was cheering that the team we go for won then him and this guy was fighting and he got shot by the man. The sad part is I saw my dad get shot. Right in front of me and my mom. I don't remember the rest.

But my mom did tell me I was 6 when it happened. We try not to bring it up cause every time we do my step dad goes off on my mom and say "That's all you talk about! HECTOR HECTOR HECTOR! Why don't you go back to him! Oh wait! I forgot.

HES DEAD!" and laughs in our face. He sometimes at so sweet when my mom is around. But when im around. He treats me like dirt.

I wish my dad was here. All this dad ever does is treats me like I'm trash. I'm my real dad princess but I'm this evil step father slave. I have bruises every where on my body. But I wear long sleeves and pants.

Every time when we go to P.E. and we have to run tracks. I skip it. I always make up an excuse. I say my head hurts or something like that. It never gets old. Well anyways.. I got to get ready for school.

I got took a shower and got dressed. I brushed my hair grabbed my bag and was heading down stairs. As I walked to the living room I see the drunk man who always ruin my life. He was asleep on the couch. I walked outside and was walking to school.

Then Harry came along. Oh yeah. I almost forgot. About my wonderful Prince charming. Named Harry Styles. He is 16 like me.

He is a sweet guy with curly brown hair. He has the most beautiful orbs. I love to look inside of them. He doesn't know I get beat. Every time he asks to meet my step dad and my mom.

I make an excuse. I hope one day he don't find out what happens. He knows my mom always travel around the world. But every time he invites me to meet his parents I deny it and say that I have an curfew at that time. "Hello love."

Harry said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it as he walked along with me. "Hello.." I said with a smile on my face. Hiding all the pain. "Can't wait for school huh?" He asked with a smirk on his face. "Nope."

I said as I popped the "P" in Nope. "I called you last night. Like 10 times and you didn't answered." Harry said looking upset. "Oh.. I'm so sorry Harry I was sleep and my phone died.",

I said with a half smile on my face. Psh.. Why I lie to him.. I was getting beat by my step dad. He can tell if I'm not telling the truth by looking in my orbs. So I looked to the ground. "Oh.. Well.. what if it was important.

I mean. You need to text me or call me if your going to sleep. I mean.. I have to check on you to make sure your oh-.", I cut Harry sentence off and said,"Harry. It's ok.", I said while a grin. I like it when he is overly- protective.

He shows me how much he cares about me. We finally reached the school. Me and Harry don't have the same classes so we had to split up. I kissed him and said my goodbyes and walked off. The other reason why I don't like school is because I get bullied.

By Liam Payne. Every since me and Harry have been dating. I've been getting abused by this guy. I mean I don't tell anyone. Not even Harry.

Because I don't want to break up his relationship with his best friend. And they have been best friend's before I got with Harry. I have been with Harry every since I was 13 so.. it's been 3 years now. As I walk to my locker to get my books for my first class. Which is English Liam walks up.

And slams the locker door on my fingers and say,"Oops.. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." And had a smirk on his face. I slid my fingers from under the lockers and looked at them. They were red and purple.

I was just about to cry. "Awe.. the little baby is about to cry.." Liam said as he sniffed and poked his bottom lip out. Then busted out chuckling. "Grow up." He said as he opened his locker. Which was next to mines.

I opened the locker with my bruised fingers and grabbed my stuff and was heading to the Nurse. Liam caught up to me and pushed me on the ground. "I'm not done with you YOU TRASH!" he yelled as he kicked me in the stomach. I would do something but I'm so weak. From last night.

"Please stop.", I said in a low tone. "KEEP GOING?!" He yelled as he began to punch me in the stomach. Then spat on me and walked off. I got my stuff and headed to the Nurse while holding my stomach as i walked with a limp.

I walked into the Nurse office. I sat my stuff down by the doorway and went to sit on the chair. Mrs. Kaley walked up to me and said "Why are you here girl? Usually you would be here around your P.E. time. Let me guess your head hurts?" She asked with a grin on her face. She is a sweet caring lady.

She is so helpful. She is like a mother to me. "Well.. I'm actually here because of my fingers." I said as I held them up. "WHAT THE BLOODY HAPPENED?!"

She asked in a panic voice as she did a close up view. "Um.. Someone stepped on them.", I said. "WHAT WERE U DOING ON THE GROUND HUN?!?" She asked looking worried. I mean I don't blame her.

If you seen my fingers they were bad looking. "Um.. My-my. Books fell.. Yeah. They fell.", I said with a stutter. She looked at me curiously. And said,"Ok.. Um.. let me get some ice for it."

She said as she backed up and went to get some ice. She looked at me suspiciously. I think she knew I was lying but she played along.

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