Chapter 10

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The elevator door opens alarming us I get out. I don't care what floor this is, I just want to escape from the stink, sweaty, crowed ROOM! I ran out the elevator and turned to it and flicked it the finger. What? I'm sorry, it's just a nightmare. Some people gasped at my reaction but I wasn't flipping them off. But hey, let them think what they want to think. But I'm not the bad guy. Or should I say bad girl? But people say bad guy. Well, whatever.

I had no other choice but walk the stairs. So my legs are aching in pain cause I walked to 12th floor all the way to 2nd floor. As I stepped down to see the sign beside me say 2nd floor, I fell down and sighed in relief, but me falling hurts. "Ouch.", I ache in pain while crouching. A nurse ran over me and asked,"Are you ok m'am?" "No..", I said while moaning in pain. "Are pregnant m'am?" "Yea.", I said still moaning. "Pregnant woman down!", the nurse screamed as 5 other nurses running over with an wheelchair and a waterbottle. "Pregnant woman down?", I asked confused on what's going on. I looked around to see if they were talking about someone else. But then I noticed that I said I was the pregnant woman down. "Uh-oh.", I said realizing what trouble I caused. They put me in a wheel chair and pushed me quickly down the hallway. "Wait, I'm not pregnant!", I screamed trying to get their attention. Next thing you know I'm in a bed.. In a gown. They dressed me?

After 15 minutes of thinking what's going on and knocking sense in me I got up and was about to walk to Harry's room. Then a doctor popped up and scared me so bad that I felled. "Nu-uh-uh!", he said while waving his index finger side to side. "Thanks for scaring the poop out of me.", I said grumpily as I made my way back to the bed as I sat on the side of it. "You're welcome.", he said with an grin,"so.. Have you been feeling pain? Has the baby been moving?" "I'm not pregnant.", I said tired of repeating myself. "Mhm, that's what all crazy pregnant women say.", he said as looked at me from head to toe. "One, I'm not crazy thank you very much. "Doctor". And two, I'm not pregnant!", I said very sassy. "How old are you?", he asks as he bites his lip. "Not your age for sure.", I said as I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. "Mean... I like that.", he said as he got closer. Even though he looks young and he's in his early 20's he needs to get away. "If you leave. I would like that too.", I said as I backed up in disgust. "Yeah but I would like it better if you leave with me babe.", he said as he winked at me. "Ew.", you disgust me. Don't u have a wife?", I questioned. "Nope. I'm 17and I'm single and ready to mingle. What about you?", he said as he got closer causing me to fall. "I'm single and ready to not mingle. With you. By the way, you look familiar.", I said recognizing his face from somewhere. "We'll guess babe.", he said as he took of the glasses and mask. I gasped when I saw his face. "Liam?!"

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