Chapter 32

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                                                                            Harry POV

"What's up with you man?" One of the security guards asks. "Problems. Problems."  I say as I take a drink of my water. "Problems from what?" "Love. Like, I don't know if she loves me. It's hard to read her now. I use to read her easily. Like an open book. But now since she's been hiding in the shadows and bad things keep coming up in her life she hides her feelings and is harder to read now." I speak as I look at the two security guards across the table from me. "Who?" One asked. "The girl who went with Master Niall?" The other asked. "Yeah, her." I mumble as Hallie face flash through my mind. "She's a quite stunning girl. But yet quiet. A little." One says. "By the way. Im Jason. And this is Adam." Jason says as he introduces themselves. "Its hard." I say as I began to cry. "Its really hard. She said she don't need me. And I don't need her." "Don't tell Master Niall we let you eat please." Adam whispers. "Yeah cause if he found out he would beat our ass."  "How can he beat you guys ass when you guys are more buff than he is. And he seems like a wimp. All he do is call you guys and depend on you." "We can help you both escape." Jason leans over and whispers. "Hell no Jason!" Adam yells. "SHUT THE HELL UP! Your going to make Master Niall come in here and beat the hell out of us!" "Whatever. Jason, you own your own dude. But when you fuck shit up. Your going to kill them." "Yeah, and if you tell Master Niall. Im going to fuck you up."

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