Chapter 26

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                                                                Harry POV

As I saw Hallie face my heart ached and I literally almost ran to her with open arms. I thought she hated me. Especially with what happened at the restaurant. But why did she come here running after me anyways? And how did she know I was here?

"So this was your plan Harry? For revenge you text me to meet you here and then trap me?"

She says with an scoff along with her sentence that I didn't quite comprehend a single word she said to me. I never texted her. And why would I do something of revenge when everything was my fault. Even though she made me mad by saying she doesn't want to get back with me. But my reaction wasn't her fault. Im  the only person who can control my actions. And trap her? Psh, they trapped me! The only person who would trap her and could is Niall. And he did.

"I never sent you a text. I never told you to meet up with me here for revenge. And I would never trap you!"

I say completely confused on what this situation got into in 10 minutes. Everything got really deep and pushing me down and further into the dirt. Everything is so dark. And everything seems to be my fault.

"Well you obviously did from your OWN phone! What are you going to do? Beat me like you did Liam? Trap me into a basement. While im down there hurt and waiting for someone to come for the rescue?!"

She practically screams. Ok, she is letting the past get to her way to easy. And she over reacting this own thing. Im lost and confused and don't know what to do. Finally someone jumped into the conversation taking over this whole thing.

"Actually, im the one who sent the text and told you to meet me here, basically acting like Harry and Im the one who is going to trap you here."

He paused as he looked at both of us.

"Both of you."

Without hesitating Hallie blurts out.

"Oh and you, You! Really who told you to jump your happy bossy Irish arse in this conversation and takeover. Like seriously. What's wrong with you peo-. Wait. Your the one who sent the text? What in the heck! So you basically impersonated Harry just to get me down here? I knew something was up when you kept saying "babe this" and "baby that". Like that's the worst impersonating Harry I've ever seen. I can do better just by grabbing a random person throw them in a basement. Beat them to death. And then think that my ex will get back with me after all that!"

She states as I just stand there letting those words eat me up. Chew on me and then spit me back out. Ouch. That really hurts me.

"But you fell for it."

Niall says simply.

Then all of a sudden the two security guards grabs both of us and guides us into a room together.

                                              Hallie POV

Were both shoved into a room together as they shut the door. The same door with any doorknobs in the inside.

"Seriously? Do all the doors not have doorknobs in the inside?"

I ask myself. But I perhaps Harry thought I was speaking to him and answered my question.

"I perhaps so."

"Don't speak to me."

"I really don't know what's wrong with you."

"You know."

"Look. How I acted at the restaurant was a complete mess and."

"Not that."

"Ok, then im sorry but believe me I didn't send that text."

"Not that either."

"Well what then cause im constantly naming everything I know off the mental check list in my head."

"It has to do something about the restaurant and Liam."

I know he knows what im talking about. But he just don't want to prove it. But just to prove me wrong we finally speaks it out.

"Look im sorry for what I did to him in the basement. But can we not talk about it. Can we just let it go? It's not that hard Hallie."

"Ok, you have to be kidding me."

I spit.

"Because if you would know it's hard to let it go when you have that victim in that situation constantly asks me who did that to him. And you know what? I always say. I don't know. But we will soon find him. But little does he know what it was his best friend. My ex. The one who kept beating him until his eyes swelled up. Until he had his breath knocked out of his lungs."

I weep. I was thinking Harry would come up with a good thing to say and not something to make me more angry and more upset than I am. I expect him to say something great. Smart. But instead he says the opposite.

"Tell him."

"I can't. I can't seem to find those words I've been looking for. You obviously think its a game when im serious and hurt as much as he is when he soon to find out who did this to him."

"Gone and tell him. I will be fine with a few hits a kick in the stomach. And a few knives stabbing me in the back. I already went to hell and back. Why not go again?"

"Yeah and when you get a few knives stabbed in your back you will observe what it will feel like when Liam find out it was his best friend who did this to him. Who's basically a back stabber."

I yell what turned into a whisper.

Im done.


How did this chapter go? Im sorry I've been a lazy updater but Im getting back on track cause im finally out for the summer. So this means new books and new chapters you all been waiting for!

Much love! xxx

Btw, please vote and comment what you think about this chapter and if ya like type below a few theories you think will happen next!

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