Chapter 2

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Right when I walked in there a beer bottle was thrown directed at me. Good thing I dodged it. "Come here Hallie!" My step dad yelled. I walked slowly to him. He got in my face and yelled "Quit living! Why don't you just die.!" he yelled. I felt hurt. I could smell alcohol. 

It made me so sick to the stomach that I gagged. Then my step dad slapped me so hard I fell to the ground. He is a strong guy. Ugh I wish I can go back to time when I was 6 . So I can save my dad and so I can get treated better. I started to cry. 

But not out loud. I didn't want him to see me cry. Cause if so then he will think he have power over me. I'm not crying because he's mean. Because his strength. How he hits me. His reactions. I got up and started to walk upstairs. "Where are you going?!" he yelled. 

I stopped and said " To my room." I didn't bother looking back cause if I did then that man will just give me bad flashbacks. I walked into my room and slammed the door and locked it. 

I threw my bag onto the floor and went straight to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. I big black and purple bruise was on the right side of my face. I put foundation over it.

 Even by me hardly touching it. It started to hurt. I opened my mouth. I noticed blood was in my mouth. From the pressure when he slammed me. Or should I say backhand. I spit out tons of blood then I brushed my teeth. 20 minutes later my phone started to ring.

 I pulled it out my pocket and glanced at the screen. It said "Harry" I answered it and said"hello?" Dang. It hurts to talk. I feel a burning and sore sensation. "Hello babe" Harry responded. "What's going on?" I asked while holding the side of my face. "Nothing much love.", Harry said.

 I could tell he was smiling. "So why you call?" I'm not trying to be mean but I'm in pain and don't want to hold a long conversation. "Just wanted to hear your voice again to make sure your ok," Harry said with a soft quiet chuckle. "Um. Harry. Babe. I have to go." I said as I tried to hang up.

 "Ok bye love you. Call me back and Li.-" Before Harry could say anything I hung up. But I heard him say Li. I tried to call him back but it wouldn't me. It went straight to voice mail. Then I just left it alone. I started to scroll through my Facebook. Then I got a call. From Grace.

 My best friend that moved from here! I answered it and said "Hello Grace!" She squeaked and said "HELLO HALLIE! Guess what!" "What?"  I questioned while raising an eyebrow.

 "I'm moving back down there!" She began to scream.  "REALLY?" "Yup!" "So when your coming. Tomorrow?" I asked in a low tone. "Tomorrow." I could tell she was grinning. This is like the best day of my life! 

She is like a sister to me. She don't know my step dad beats me.  But she does know he yells at me. One time he called her a hooker. And she fussed him out. And that man never said nothing to her like that again. I wish I can do that. But "I'm to scared.

 I was on the phone with Grace for a while until Harry called. I answered his call. But I told Grace I will talk to her later. "Are you ok? Your hurt? What's wrong?" Harry panicked in the phone. "Harry. Calm down babe." " called me like 7 or 9 times, so I was worried.

 Are you at your flat?". Harry said while calming down. "Yes." I said kind of scared he was going to knock on my door or something. "Wait. Are you at my flat? On my porch? If so, don't knock on the door." I said while panicking. I don't want him to meet my step dad. 

"Babe. Your saying I need to chill. You chill. But. Have you eaten dinner?"  Harry said with a chuckle. "No. Why?" "Well got you some Nandos. So come outside. I'm waiting for you." Harry said with a chuckle. I hung up ran down stairs. My step dad said something but I ignored him.

 I ran outside and hugged Harry so tight. He picked me up and spun me around in this arms. I felt like a princess. He put me down and gave me a romantic kiss. "Here you some food." Harry said with a smirk and held out the bag. 

I grabbed the bag and smiled and said "Thanks Harry. Thanks a lot." he smirk and put his forehead on mines. He glared into my eyes. We were in each others face. I could feel his chest rising up and down. He was breathing very heavy. Until he said "well I think you should go inside and eat your food. 

You don't want it to get cold huh?" He backed up. "Um. No." We intertwined our fingers and we kissed. I pulled back and said "Harry I'm going to go eat. You should go." 

He let go of my hands and said"Ok well I'll see you later. Love you." We gave each others hugs and walked  our separate ways. I walked into my house every slowly. This is my 2nd time eating today. Last time I ate was lunch at school and it was hours ago.

 I hardly eat. Nothing to eat here. I saw my step dad asleep on the floor. I just stepped over him. Before I can take another step I felt a tight grip around my ankle.

 I looked down. I was about to scream. Then he said something in a mumble and let go. He was asleep. That's a good thing. Cause I don't want to get beaten. I power walk up stairs into my room and locked the door.

   I finished my food and was getting kinda sleepy, but before I feel asleep I went to take a shower. 30 minutes past. I was out the shower I wrapped my towel around my head so my wet dripping hair won't wet my clothes. Then I had a flash back.                                           

*Flash Back*

"WOO! WE WON BABY!" My dad screamed of joy while jumping in the air. My mum and I was clapping and was so happy. "BABY WE WON!" My dad screamed and kissed my mom. 

Then he picked me up and spun me around. His eyes were so beautiful. Just like mine. Then he hugged me tightly. "When we get home you and I are going to have a celebration!" My dad said as he kissed me on the cheek. 

"CELEBRATION MY ASS. YOUR TEAM CHEATED!" A random guy yelled while walking up to my dad. "HELL NO WE DIDN'T" "HELL YEAH! YOU GUYS CHEATED! SO MOVE BACK BEFORE I SHOOT YOUR ASS.", The man threaten and pulled out a gun. "DAD! DAD!" I screamed.

 Right when my dad was about to move back the man hammered his gun making it click. "DON'T KILL MY FATHER PLEASE DON'T!" I cried. 

"HECTOR HECTOR! HELP SOMEONE HELP!", My mom screamed. My mom tried to push the man away from my dad but the man pushed my mom on the ground. 

"FUCK YOU!" The man yelled.  The police came then I heard two gun shots.

                         *End of Flash Back*

That's all I remember. I felt my eyes get heavy and then I just blacked out.


Hey guys! Sorry that Im updating so slow! School is about to start and im trying to get stuff settled! I apologize! But comment and vote! Comment what you thought about this chapter! c; Thank you. And what do u think what will happen next!

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