Chapter 9

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Harry POV

As I walked inside our new flat..It was. Beautiful. We started bring boxes in and un-packing. Beginning a new life. Man..I should call hallie. I started to diall her number and it begans to call, then I realized. Were over, I broke up with her. I bet she moved on. But for some reason, I don't want to let go. I want her back. I started to get dizzy as flashbacks began to play in my head of me and Hallie precious moments we spent with each other. That moment, I suddenly black out.

Gemma POV
I walked back outside to close the doors and trunk. As I stepped outside and started to walk I tripped on something hard and fell I on the ground. I looked over to see an body, Harry's body. His face was pale and you could see he was blacked out pretty bad. I started to panic. "Mom!", I yelled as I covered my mouth as tears started to roll down my cheeks. She came on the porch and stopped and said, "Yes hunny?" I pointed to unconscious Harry lying there. She covered her mouth and tears escaped her eyes as she said,"What happened?" "I don't know, I just came out and tripped over a body." I explained to mum. "Well, stop the chit-chatting and let's hurry and get him to the hospital." "Yes m'am.", I said as we both carried him to the car and were on our way to the hospital.

Harry was in the hospital bed still asleep, looking pretty bad. But a little better than before. The paleness kinda word off. But he is sound asleep, but still haven't woke up. "Should I call people who are very important to Harry?", I asked mum. "Um, yeah. I think they should know.", mum said as she flipped through the channels on the TV. I called everyone through A-G. Then I was starting back on H. It read "Hallie". "Should I call Hallie?", I asked un-sure. "Yeah, of course! That's his girlfriend. Why you asked?" "We'll, we haven't heard from her in a while.", I said. "Yeah, yeah, but call her. I'm pretty sure Harry would be proud of us and would be glad to see her.", mum said. "Ok.", I said as I tapped on her name as it began to call. Finally, she picked up on the other line. "Hey.", I said with an smile. "Hey, were that you who called earlier. Like 30 minutes ago?", Hallie asked. "No, I haven't called you today.", I said really confused on what is going on. "Oh, well he might have, but what's going on?" I explained to her and she said she will be here in a hurry. "How did she take it?", mom asked. "Not that good.", I said as I set Harry's phone on the table beside him.

Hallie POV
As I pushed open the double doors of the hospital, I ran to the front desk. An blonde lady asked,"How may I help you?" "Um, I need to see Harry Styles, he's an patient here.", I said in a hurry. "We'll of course he's an patient and, what are you to him?", she asked. "What?", I asked. "Like, are you an Sister? Cousin? Girlfriend?", she asked waiting for an answer. "Um, an girlfriend? Yeah, a girlfriend!", I said completely lying. "Ok awkward?, but anyways, he's in room 124 on the second floor.", the blonde said as she was was pointing all different directions like that was going to help me at all. "Thanks you!", I said as I ran to the elevator. Waiting on it to availably open. Finally it ringed and both doors slid open as I ran in the crowded elevator. A lot of complaints filled the tiny space we were crunched up in. "Someone's pulling my hair!", one business woman complained. "Someone is licking me!", a man yelled. "Sorry about that.", another man said apologizing. What the heck? Why he say sorry if he was on the other side of the elevator?! How did his tongue reach across the dang elevator and lick the dang man . Weirdos. Finally everyone was out and it was just me. Oh, yeah, and the smelly smell around me. I pressed floor 2. Then while I was getting out a huge crowd of people pushed me back in. "No! No! I have to get out!", I yell trying to push people out the way and make my way to the doors so it won't close. But then it did and I go pushed to the back. Ugh, why?! I slid down the wall behind stinking sweaty business people. Then complaints started to start again. I got so tired of them yelling back and fourth un-reasonable complaints so I yelled,"Shut up! None of you guys complaints are worst than mine! I've been stuck in here for 30 or 35 minutes! So be quiet!" Right then it got quiet. Until one person complained again saying,"I have to fart." "No!", we all yelled. "To late!", the man said with an grin as we all began choking coughing at the stinking strong smell. "Why? Would you fart when we are trapped in an elevator with no air at all!", one woman yelled. "I agree!", I yelled as I began to cough.

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