Chapter 6

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Harry pulled up in front of my house. I looked out the window to notice an ambulance in front of my house. "Why is there an ambulance in front of your house?", Harry asked. "I-i don't know?!", I asked in a panic. I ran out the car into the house to see my step dad in a hospital bed rolling out the house. "What? What's going on?!",I yelled chasing after the bed. "DONT TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME! PLEASE DONT!", I yelled as I just gave up and fell down on the floor. Harry rushed over to where I was and kneeled beside me. "Hallie...everything is going to be alright.", Harry said trying his best to comfort me. "HOW DO YOU KNOW!", I yelled as tears began to roll down my cheeks. "Well..I dont know but.", Harry stop talking and grabbed me into a hug. I felt a tear hit my shoulder. "Harry? Are you crying?", I asked along with an sniff. "Yeah..", Harry said as he pulled back from the hug. "Why are you crying?", I asked as i wiped my tears that was falling from my eyes. "Because.", Harry paused as his eyes began to water,"because." Harry started to bust out crying and layed his head on my shoulder. "Because. I hate to see you cry and I try my hardest to make you happy. Cause your going through a rough time in your life and- and.", Harry just started to cry even more. "Harry. You do make me happy. As long as im with you im happy.", I said as I pulled back on the hug and got up. I held my hand out to help Harry up. "Hallie. I love you and I hate to see you cry.", Harry said. "Harry. I love you too and trust me. Everyone is going to have some laugh moments, Bad moments, and Sad moments. But right now. Mines changed from Sad to Happy. All because of Harold Styles. ", I said as a grin smeered across my face. He started to grin too. "Ok. Lets go make our way to the hospital.", I said as me and him made our way to the car.

      We were in the waiting room waiting on the results. "Hallie. Your leg is shaking and your hands.", Harry said. "It's because im very nervous because I don't want to lose my step father. I mean just because he beats me alot and stuff doesn't mean.-", I got cut off by Harry and he yelled,"HE BEATS YOU?!?!" Oh my gosh! It slipped out my mouth! NOw what im doing to do? I ran out the waiting room and into the hallway and slid down the wall while gripping my hair of frustation. I could feel the cold tears hit the floor. "Why? Why do all things have to turn so bad?", I whispered to my self. Harry came running into the hallway and ran straight to me. "HALLIE?!  HOW COME YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME ANY OF THESE STUFF YOU BEEN HIDING!", Harry screamed. "BECAUSE IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHAT GOES ON IN MY HOUSE!", I screamed back. "WELL YOUR MY BUSINESS! I CARE FOR YOU SO WHAT EVER HAPPENS TO YOU ITS MY BUSSINESS!", Harry screamed in between tears. Harry walked away and didn't bother looking back. I got up runing trying to catch up with him. "HARRY WAIT!", I screamed so Harry could hear me. "WERE.-", Harry  said but didnt finish talking cause his voice fade away. Wait. Was he going to say were over?

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