Chapter 47

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                                                               Hallie POV

"You look rough." Harry said as he look ahead. "Wow thanks Harry that means a lot." I said sarcastically. "Ok let me change it up for you. You look beautifully rough Hallie." He sarcastically remarks. "I hate you." I say under my breath. But obviously he heard me cause the car is filled with silence and any small noise can be heard. "Everyone loves me." He grins from ear to ear. "You think that." "How's the baby?" He randomly blurts. "Why would you want to know?" "Cause it's my child in your stomach." He snaps. I have the urge to say it. I'm going to stand my ground. I'm going to say it and be strong and confident about it. "No it's not. It's Liam's." Once I said Liam's name my voice cracked. Ok. Maybe I didn't sound confident or strong about it. I wasn't expecting a nervous shaky voice to come out my mouth. "Hallie quit joking." Harry laughs but once he saw my expression. He got a clue that I was serious. "Why" his voice cracks too. He clears this throat and continued his sentence. "why would you say that?" "Cause I never exposed to you. Not at all. Not even a peek." "Only to Liam. Not you. Me and you only kissed. And I just got pregnant and I'm only a couple months." "He shouldn't be the father." Harry snaps. "Why? Cause it shouldn't be you! Your weren't even faithful to me! You asked me to prom. And had all these girls on you! Like what the hell Harry? I wouldn't want a child by you and have it turn out to be just like you! A unfaithful, psycho, crazy of a father! You might even be a deadbeat." "Shut up Hallie!" Harry hits the steering wheel. "Your the type of woman who drives me insane! Your acting like a child! You throw shit in my face and expect me to accept it? Well I won't! I won't let anyone talk to me that way! I don't know who you think you are. Or how big you think you are. But when your with me. I'm going to be the big one!" "Yeah the biggest bitch." "I hate you." He complains. "And I hate you more." "I love you also." "Psh. Get over yourself Harry Styles."

                                                                   Liam POV
Hallie should be here any minute now. Man what am I even saying? I've been saying the same thing 20 times. I stared at the clock for the longest. Checked my phone for any miss calls or texts every second. I swear they are taking long. Harry was suppose to be here 20 minutes ago. What is taking him so long? "I should be going lad." Louis stands up and heads towards the door. "Wait don't you want to see Hallie?" I ask curiously. "Can you tell her to call me when she get settled or so?" "Yeah sure. Whatever man you go get some rest." I clearly understand Louis he is tired and so am I. But I'm not going to asleep until Hallie get here. "Alright later lad." Louis waves and heads out the door.

                                                                        Harry POV
Hallie telling me that the baby isn't mines in the car play throughout my mind. And here she is telling my mum the same thing. Is she really trying to rub this in my face? "Your son didn't even dance with me at prom. He had all these girls on him." She starts to snitch on me like she's my sibling. I don't know why she's telling my mum. What is my mum going to do? She surely can't lay me across her lap and whip me. "Harry, how could you do that to her! I raised you better than that!" And there she go scolding me. That's 1 thing she can do to me. "Yeah yeah. Mum can we go now?"  I stand impatiently and complain.My stomach is driving me insane. So I grab something out the fridge. "He raids the fridge and makes a mess just like every other teenage person." My mom points out. "It's just getting started." My mum cringed eyebrows together in disappointment. "Yeah Anne I think we should go. I should get home to worried Liam." Hallie stands from the table and hugs my mum. "Oh. Well ok. Be safe and call me sometime. Or come over. Love you Hallie." My mom smiles at her as we made our way towards the door. "Love you too Anne. Thanks you! Later!" Hallie kept waving until we reached the front door step. She sighs and made her way towards the car with me following her. "I'm starving." She complains. "We can stop by a restaurant." I suggest. "No just take me home." "But you just sa-" "I know what I said. Just take me home. I can eat there." "Your lost. I will just go to a drive thru for myself cause I'm starving." "Can you do it after you drop me off? I'm starving and I do not want you to be wasting my time at a drive thru when I could be at home asleep." "No cause I'm not waiting I'm hungry and you can wait. I'm not you cab driver. I'm going to run on my time not yours. Your not the one who's driving." I snap. "Well I can get out." She starts to unbuckle her seat belt. "Come on Hallie. Quit playing." She gathered her purse and phone and book. "Stop. Look the car is still in motion. What are you going to do, stop, drop, and roll out the car?" "If I have to I will." "Look stop if you do that you stomach will burst." "What you think my stomach is? A water balloon? And stop the car." We kept going back and forth. Fussing. "Look were in the middle of traffic. You can just hop out in such a bad traffic as this." She looks at me. Then buckled back up. "Thank you. See it wasn't that hard was it?" I tried to cheer her up but failed. "Oh trust me you can drop me off at the gas station ahead." "Hell no! That gas station looks like slump. Who is going to pick you up there?" "Liam." "So your going to stand there at that nasty gas station? You know your pregnant right? How long are you?" "38 weeks." "You don't need to be over there. You can get real sick." "Shut up Harry."

                                                                 Liam POV

Harry finally dropped Hallie off and Hallie went upstairs to take a hot bath. Leaving me with Harry down stairs. We sit in awkward silence. Im on my computter looking for a hospital near by just to prepare. For whenever our child may come. "That baby is yours. Not mine." Harry said while flipping through channels on the tv. "She finally told you?" He sets the remote down beside him and put his attention on me. "Yes. But I won't believe it." I glare at him and back my computter. "Believe what you want to. But at the ending of the day we both know the truth." Harry launches at me throwing hits at me. I put him in his stomach and so far we keep going back and forth. "SHE WILL NEVER LOVE YOU STYLES!" He pinned me on the ground putting alll the weight he can on me so I won't try to get up. "Shut the hell up Liam. Cause at least I hit it first!" He spits on my face. I break from his hold and starts punching him in the face. He grabs ahold of my neck choking me. Im struggling to move his hand and I start to get light headed and weak. My eyes start to feel heavy. And im gasping for air. I thought we would win. But a scream broke through and ended all of it. He lets go of my neck and gets up and kicks me. I stand up and fall down and stand back up trying to catch my breath. Harry grabs his things and leave the house. I run upstairs to see Hallie standing with her legs spread apart. And looking at the ground. "It's time?" I ask in panic. She looks up at me.

                                                       *To be continued*

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