Chapter 48

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"It's time?"  I ask. When she nodded.  My heart just dropped. "But first let me put some make up on." She starts to apply on her makeup. "But" I stopped and remembered from the research about pregnancy that you don't suppose to put stress on a pregnant woman. "I'll just go start the car." I said as I make my way downstairs. "Hurry." She yells back. I run back upstairs. "I'll just wait." She finally applies all her makeup and I help her down stairs. "I think I can feel the baby about to pop out seriously." She said as we finally reach down stairs. "Hold on baby." I say as I run to the table and open up my laptop. "Which baby. Cause if your talking about the one in my stomach. It's not surely listening to you." I finally pulled up my bookmark to see the nearest hospital to go to. "Liam hurry." She whines. "Ok baby. Let's go." I close my laptop and grab the keys as we both go and make our way towards the door.

                                                                        Hallie POV

I was going to ask Liam something. I forgot. Due to all this pain im having. I need to say something besides "yes im ok" to Liam. "Liam isn't it weird that the nurse said I will have the child in January and today im having the baby and I don't even know the gender." I sit uncomfortably in the seat. "It is weird." Liam is going real fast. But hey. I don't blame him. This baby can pop out any minute now. We finally pull up at the hospital and next thing you know im being wheeled into the labor room.

   "Push!" The nurse says while looking at me with worried eyes. Wow. I probably look like im about to die. I scream pushing my hardest. "Push one more time! Your hardest!" "If I do I will fart!" I scream. "Oh c'mon baby you can do it." Liam says with hopeful eyes while holding my hand. I squeeze his hand as I scream and push my last time. That moment my whole world changed.  I felt different somehow. All the weight on my shoulders finally was lifted off. I heard crying. I mean I was crying too. And Liam was also but the baby. The baby was crying. He's.."It's a girl!" The nurse shouts. I laugh of joy and Liam leans down and kiss me. "We did it baby. We did it." We both laugh. Ok. So SHE'S finally here. Our little angel. The woman handed me our baby girl. I kiss her on her forehead and Liam does the same. "We should call her Emma." Liam suggest. "Emma Grace Payne." I add. "Congratulations!" The nurse shouts of joy while laughing and clapping her hands. She hugs up both and takes the baby to wash her up. I handed the woman Emma's outfit to wear. It feels weird saying her name. Emma. I just love saying it. It's just another angel in this world who I love so dearly.

     Everyone was in and out seeing Emma and bringing balloons. Baby clothes, bottles, diapers, and etc. Then Louis walks in. "No way Hallie." He walks over and picks the baby up and craddles her closely to his chest. "Wow Louis. Your better than I am." Louis looks up smiling. "I have a lot of brothers and sisters so im used to it." We talk back and forth and then Louis had to leave cause he had got a call from his friend. I look up and Liam and remembered what I was going to ask him. "Hey. You got your face cleaned up." I point out. "You just saw that?" "Actually I've been noticed and I was going to ask about it earlier. But I forgot." The nurse comes in. "Hey. Do you want me to go change her for you. If you want me to. Cause I know your really tired." She said with an assuring smile. I looked at Liam and felt Emma's diaper to feel that she needs to be changed. I look at Liam again and he nods. "Sure. Oh yeah. When you bring her back can you show us how. You know. Change a diaper." She laughs and nods her head as she takes Emma from my hands and grabs the diaper back. "I'll be right back" "Thank you." She walks out the room. Me and Liam burst into laughter. "Were sad." I said. "Hey. It's our first child." I agree with Liam and then when I thought Louis was the last person to vist. Anne walks in. Then Gemma. And him. "Hey there new mum!" Anne says as she walks over and hugs me. And Gemma comes over and hugs me also. "Congratulations." Gemma said. All attention shifts to Harry. Including mine. I just see him rocking back and forth on the heels of his boots and looking at the ground. Anne coughs. And Harry finally noticed that everyone was looking at him. When he saw me looking at him I cut off my attention on him and looked at the tv on the wall. "Um. Eh. Congratulations." He said in a un comfortable tone. "So where's the baby?" Anne says breaking the silence. Which im grateful for. "She should be here by now." As soon as Liam said that the nurse comes in and drops the baby off. And walks out smiling like always.

    Anne and Gemma holding the baby in awe. "What's her name?" Gemma asks. "Emma Grace Payne." Harry mumbles something under his breath. "Hey Hallie you want something from the cafeteria?" Liam asks. If only I could escape this room. I would. With my child. Of course. "Yes please." He walks out the room and now im left with the Styles family. And my child that their holding. "Can I talk to Hallie?" Harry asks his mum and Gemma. "Sure." Anne kisses Emma in the forehead and hands me her. I grab her bottle of milk and feed it to her. Harry waits till the door closes and gets on his knees begging for me to take him back. He promises he will take care of me. Be faithful. Love me. He promise a lot of things that I can't quite catch. I can't believe anything he's saying. And now he is crying. Crying for me. Crying for a family with me. Which have me feeling guilty. "Harry I can't leave Liam. We just had our child and he's the father. And I want Emma to grow up with her father by her side. Im sorry Harry but your not getting another chance. I don't love you like I used to. All the hateful things you've done just made me give up. Give up on us." Harry eyes are full of hope and tears. His nose is red. Cheeks are flushed. I just can't take it. I just want to get up and run. Run away. I thought that the drama would leave and for a day or two that all this drama will leave. I mean, when can I get a break? I just had a child. Give me a rest! "Please Hallie. Please. Take me back." Right when Harry says that Liam walks in. And see's Harry on his knees crying. And see's me with Emma in my hands. Liam drops everything in his hands and looks at me. "Your leaving me?"

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