Chapter 11

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"Sh. Sh. Shh..",  Liam said as he put his finger on my mouth while shushing me,"to you it's.", he grabbed his name tag and said,"Dr.FinkleBottom. The heck?" Im sorry but I had to laugh. I burst into laughter but then soon stopped. Ok, back to reality. "Well Dr.FinkleBottom. GET OFF OF ME!", I screamed. I pushed him down and he fell to the floor aching in pain. I ran out the room and yelled,"DOCTOR DOWN!" And ran down the hallway to Harry room. But the problem is. Which one is his? I ran down the hallway checking every room to see if Harry was in there. But the other problem is.. There is  like 15 rooms! More like a THOUSAND! I looked behind me to see one nurse chasing me down the hall. She was catching up with me. I had to be much faster. I faster my pace and then I picked in the last hall to see Harry in it. I closed the door and yelled to the nurse,"Hey!, PREGNANT WOMAN DOWN!", I screamed while pointing behind her. She looked back and saw a pregnant woman coming back from the cafeteria with food in her hands. The nurse ran to the woman and tackle her. "Ouch.", i said as I saw her reaction. But hey, It was worth it. I walked into the room to see Gemma and Anne. Harry's mom. "Well hey there!", Gemma said as she came and hugged me. "Why are you in a gown?", Anne asked. "Um, Long story short. Nurse thought I was a pregnant woman.", I said not really wanting to explain the story. "Well. I have some clothes in my bag.", Gemma said as she reached in her bag and grabbed the clothes out,"Here you go. Just go in that bathroom there and change." "Thanks Gemma.", I said with an smile. "No problem. Sister in law.", she said as she winked at me. Wait, Harry didnt tell them about our break up? Oh my, when they know I bet they are going to dislike me. Should I tell them? Or no? Or should I let  Harry tell them. I walk into the bathroom to change. I walk into the room to hear Gemma say,"We know.." I paused where I standed at. I looked at the bed to see Harry wide awake. "Know what?", I asked nervously. "That your and Harry aren't together anymore." I looked at Harry to see he's not making any eye contact with me what's so ever. Then I looked at Anne and Gemma who was still looking at me with no expression written over their face. I didn't know what to do, So I ran out the room again.

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