Chapter 29

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I laugh at Harry lame knock knock jokes. "Ok. Ok." Harry says almost running out of breath. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" "I don't know why?" "To get to the witch house. Knock Knock." "Who's there?" "The chicken.'" We both burst into laughter as it echoed through out the room. "My English teacher introduced me that joke." He says as he starts to fiddle with his fingers showing off his busted knuckles. "SCHOOL!" I panick. 'WE HAVE SCHOOL!" I jump off the bed and run over to the door and begin to bang on it repeatedly. "Hallie." Harry said, and then he embraced me and I felt consumed in a whirlwind of emotions. "Calm down. We won't get out anytime soon." I beat on his chest repeatedly. "I have to get out. I have to Harry. My life won't wrap around these people."

                                                          (To Be Continued)

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