Chapter 37

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- Better Than Words = One Direction

- You need me man I dont need you = Ed Sheeran

                                                                *2 weeks later*

Harry lives with his mom now at their new place but he stills make the effort to come and check on me even though I tell him I will be ok. He was kinda pissed cause he wants to be here for me. I honestly think he is jealous because Liam come over and checks on me once in a while. I think he found his new enemy. Which I don't like cause they need to be friends. But it seems to me they both don't like each other now. Maybe because Liam is now showing his love and being open out with me about it. And Harry isn't used to that at all.

Harry's school is having prom tomorrow so he asked me to be his date. Which I freaked out. It seemed like proposing cause he got on one knee and asked me with an white rose. Just like the time he asked me to be his girlfriend after the school dance. I have the picture. My mom snapped it. Im that type of person who loves taking pictures. Not in a conceited way but of great moments. Something you wouldn't want to forget. The more romantic beautiful moment.

 We arrive at the prom 10 minutes late because Harry mom and to take pictures. Make sure they weren't blurry. Fix my hair. Fix his collar. Everything. It was very tiring. "Why don't you have a tie on at at least. Or a bow tie?" I asked. "Cause maybe I wanted to look different from the others." He said as we made our way inside the building. "If your trying to show off your 'chest hair'. Good luck with that cause your sure don't have non." I say as I pat his chest and walk away to get a cup of punch. "Why hey there. Haven't I seen you before?" A familiar guy asked. "Why yes, um. You. Your the." I tried my best to remember but his name wasn't ringing a bell so I kept acting like I knew it at the tip of my tongue. "It's Louis." He finally says. "Oh Louis!" I said in relief. I actually remembered him. "Your the guy who worked at that restaurant who I bumped into." He rubbed the back of his neck and we burst into laughter. After having a short smooth conversation with him I felt relaxed. "Why do every party or prom have punch? I mean don't they know we get tired of this." I said as I play with the spoon that rest in the bowl. "Well only bum party's have punch. But a real party they have alcohol." He states. I remained quiet. Then wondered where Harry was. I spotted him talking to a bunch of girls. With 2 of them wrapped around his finger. I walk away leaving Louis behind. I was to focused on Harry. "Oh. Well. I'll see you around!" He yells. I don't bother looking back. I just keep my attention on Harry as I make my way in that direction.

   Once I approached him his eyes got big and the girls was still wrapped around his finger. All on him. He shakes them off signaling them to back off. They backed off. But didn't leave. 5 other girls left while 1 remains in the same position she was in when Harry shook her off of him. "I see only the smart ones left." I said to the girl. "What are you trying to call me dumb?" "No. Im trying to call you smart." I said sarcastically. "You better be or I would of kicked you all around on this prom floor. Then sweep you like a janitor would." Everyone got the attention and came over to the show. "I wish you would lay a hand on me. And no shit Sherlock. I wasn't calling you smart. I was calling you dumb cause your still here you trashy whore." She gasp and stepped towards me. "Well let's call it a dance competition." She said as she threw her cup down and backed away. Only 3 out of the whole room said ooh. In a amazement. The heck? "Its pretty sad when you only have 3 people out of the whole room who is on your side." I said "And who said dance? I don't dance. Im sorry I don't go to those kind of night clubs you go to and dance all crazy like just to get a man. Never know if those men you attract have a disease." She backs away and leaves the room. "Well that was easy," Harry said with an smirk. I walked up to him and slapped him dead in the face. He looks down and looks back me as I slapped him again. And left.

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