Chapter 8

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Well, bad news. My step dad died.. He died by being an alcoholic and so on. We we did have an funeral and so on. And I just found out that Harry moved and so did Grace. So that leads me to be stuck with Liam. Im home alone for a little bit until my mom gets off with her traveling around the world for 1 more month. Then she stay here for 5 months then she go back to work for 11 months. But out for holidays. It kinda sucks and plus Liam don't beats me now. He just seems so sweet now. I don't know why but it kinda reminds me of Harry and make me fall in love again. But with the wrong dude. "Ms.Hallie. You know the answer?", Mr.David asked me as he snapped me out of my thoughts. "Oh, huh?", I asked confused. "You know the answer to this Math problem?", he asks as he points to the board showing me the problem,"Um..", I said trying to think. "We just explained it Ms.Haillie, start paying attention in class or you will get an note home or go to after school detention or Suspended!", Mr.David said, "So what's the answer?" "The answer is. 15.", I guessed. "15?", Mr.David asked. "Hey, Mr.David!", Ryan said,"I think she means 15 is the quotient." "And how's that Ryan?", Mr.David asked wanting to learn more. "Well how because..", Ryan started to explain how. "Well I see your answer is right Ms. Hallie.", Mr.David said. I looked behind me to see Ryan flashing a smile. I lipped "Thanks" to him and he responded with an "Welcome." I didnt even know it was right. I guessed. I sighed in relief that Ryan saved me cause I don't know what I would've done if he hadn't.

The bell rung and it was time to dismiss the class and head to lunch. I walked out the room and into the hallway. Ryan started to jog to catch up with me. "Hey Hallie.", he said with an shy smile. "Hey Ryan.", I said with an smile,"What you done in Math was great. Thanks alot.", I said as I walked up to my locker. "No problem. Just wanted to help an friend out.", Ryan said. I opened up my locker to put my books inside. "Friend?", I questioned. "When did we become friends? I thought I was an geeky, ugly, nerd girl.", I said. "Noo.. your not. You awesome. Don't never think that about yourself. Your beautiful.", Ryan said. "Awe thanks.", I said as I began to blush. Then Liam walked up. "Hey Hallie.", Liam said as he opened up his locker beside me and caused Ryan to move. "Hey Liam!", I said. "How's class?", Liam asked. "It was go.-" "Hey, Hallie I guess I will talk to you later I guess. Um see you!", Ryan said as he was just about to go until I grabbed his hand and said,"No..wait. Wait for me." "Oh..Ok.", he said while blushing. "Hey, Liam I will talk to you later.", I said as I was just about to walk off. "Ok. Are you sitting with me?", He asked. "No..Imma sit with Ryan today.", I said with an smile. "Oh..Ok.", Liam said with an angry look on his face. "Talk to you later!", I said with a smile and walked away with Ryan.

                                                                 *Liam POV*

She would ditch me for that Ryan dude. Right when I was about to win her he took her away from me. He need to get away from her and if he won't then I will help him by doing something that should've been done a long time ago. So I'm at the lunch table. Alone. While I just watch Hallie and Ryan have their moments together. Them giggling at things and everything. It's making me sick to see them flirting. Wait are they flirting? If so I should tell Harry!! That's a good idea! Or I should win her back another way. He can do it the easy way by just leaving her alone. Or the hard way. Revenge.

"Ryan can I talk to you right quick?", I asked as I pulled him aside. "Yeah sure what's up man?", Ryan asked with a smile. "Stay away from my girl.", I mummur. "What? Wait, who ever said you two dated?", he asked. "I did. And if you tell her I said that I will beat you a.-", I got cut off when Hallie came up to us and said,"Well hey you two boys! I see you two met!" "I've been known him.", I said. "I did know him but not anymore. And I think I don't know you Hallie, anymore.", Ryan said as he pushed pasted me and walked down the hall. "Wow, what's his problem?", I asked with a chuckle. "I don't know.", Hallie said looking confused while thinking back of what happened. "Everythings ok?", I asked. "Um..yea.", she said as she snapped her self out of thoughts. Then the intercome came on. "Hello Students, and teachers. Today right now I want all students to pack up cause your getting out of school early, so grab your belongings and exit out. You will be on fall break for 4 weeks. Good luck and see you in 4 weeks kids!"

                                                            *Hallie POV*

I walked away from Liam and went to my locker to grab my empty bag. And began to put my library books inside. Then Liam popped up beside me and scared me. I jumped of fear. "Liam you scared me!", I yelled as I had on hand on my chest feeling my heart beating fast. "Oh sorry..", he said with a chuckle. "So what are you planning on doing for your 4 weeks?", I asked LIam. "Um..I don't know yet.", Liam said with an thinking face on,"What are you planning on doing?" "Vist Harry.", I mummur. "Do what?", He asked. "Nothing.", I said as I shook my head shaking off the nervous side of me. "Tell me..", Liam whined. "I said im going to vist Harry.", I said repeating myself as I closed my locker door and locked it to see an paused Liam. "Well..I will talk to you later.", I said as I waved bye and walked out of the school. As I turned around I don't see Liam anymore. Awkward. I decided to walk the long way home to shake off my bad thoughts and negative thoughts. Then I started to hear footsteps behind me. I looked back to see nothing. "I might be parinoid.", I whispered to myself. I kept walking ahead of me. In an blink of an eye I was pushed against a brick wall. "Ouch.", I whimpered in pain. "Sorry.", Liam said with an slight worried look on his face. "Liam?!", I questioned as I began to blink my eyes multiple times to see if that's really him. "Yea?", he asked. "Wh-why are you doing this to me again?", I asked feeling hurt and betrayed. Wait, betrayed? Who ever said me and Liam were friends. "Im not.", he said in a stern tone,"I.- i just want you to know something." "Well first let go of me then talk to me. You don't have to pin me to a brick wall to talk to me. That sounds more like abusing then talking. So less fighting more talking.", I said stating my opinnon. He let go of me roughly as I brushed myself off and waited for him to talk. "Soo..", I said trailing off waiting for him to say something. "Can we go to your house and talk about this?", he asked, "It's getting dark." "Sure?", I asked kind of confused why my house?

     I creeped inside my house to see it was pitch black. As I made my way across the room I tripped over something hard. "Ouch.", I whimper in pain. Liam shut the door so it was pitch dark in the room. "Hallie where are you?", Liam asked.

                                                      *Liam POV*

"Hallie where are you?", I asked as I had both of my hands out in front of me guiding me through the way. All I  heard were sobbing. Then I tripped over something then felt breathing on me. I noticed I was on top of Hallie. I looked down as if I could see her beautiful face but it was too dark. I liked that we were close, but not like this. Then she snapped me out of my thoughts when she said,"Um. Liam can you get off of me please?" Me actually forgeting I was on top of her. I got up quickly as I began to apoligize multiple times. She made her way to the light switch as she turned the lights on she glared at me. "Liam, it's ok. I understand you sorry. You don't have to keep repeating yourself a billion times.", she said with an chuckle. She made her way to the couch signaling me to come join her. I did as I was told and sat next to her. "So. What did you want to talk about?", she asked. "Well. Um. Well..", I trailed off clearly forgetting and nervous what I had to talk about. "Come on..spit it out.", she said while motioning her hand to tell me to keep talking. "DOYOULIKERYAN?!", I blurted out fastly. "Wait. What?", she asked clearly not knowing what I said. "I said..", I started slowly,"Do you like Ryan?" "Ew. No. Only as a friend.", she said with disgust written all over her face. As soon as I saw her expression a smirk spread across my face that lead her to an question. "Why are you smirking?", She asked. "Um. Nothing. No reason. I have to go.", I said as I quickly got up and was heading to the door quickly until she grabbed my wrist and said something that made my heart flutter. "Don't go.", she said with puppy dog eyes. The cuttest thing ever that turned me on. "Finee.", I whined as if I wanted to leave but I really didn't. She bit her lip as she set me back down on the couch. "So.", I said nervously thinking this might be the next move for us. To friends > to more than that. "Why are you trying to run off?". she asked. "Cause there's something else I needed to say." Dang. I really need to keep my mouth taped around her. Her eyes can read me like an open book. Trust me, im not good at lying. I was thinking of lying until she gave me that look. That stare. I wonder if she do that to Harry when she wants something or so. "What's wrong? You scared?", she asked. "No..", I said awkwardly not sure of what I need to be scared of. "Well tell me.", she said as she scoot closer to me. "Ok.well. I was jelous because how you and Ryan was flirting.", I blurted. Wow, it's like she hypnotized me. Scary. "Hold on. Wait. You like me? And me and Ryan flirting gross!", She said in disgust. "Why you don't like me?", I asked sadly. "No. Liam I like it as friends. And friends only.", she said. "What about now?", I asked as I leaned in to kiss her but end up kissing. The air? I opened my eyes and looked up to see Hallie door opened telling me to leave. I did as I was told and left. She did me dirty. I like that.

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