I'm Kind Of Busy

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Harry’s POV

“Once again, thanks so much for everything Harry. I really appreciate all the clothes and time we’ve spent together today.” Gemma says ahead of me while leading us towards the front door of her apartment. This is probably the billionth time she has thanked me. One time was clearly enough for me but she doesn’t seem to agree.

Girls and their stubbornness

I’ve never been to soo many stores before in my fucking life. Every store we passed magically caught her attention and she ran inside, dragging me along with her. Countless times she asked if I was getting annoyed and I lied for the sake of her happiness even though my plan initially was to leave her stranded there alone.  It came to the point that I just gave her my credit card so I could have a seat somewhere and not enter those annoying stores.

“Here, just take it. I’m going to go sit down” I said, exasperated while handing over my MasterCard to her. She looked down at the card in my hand skeptically. I sighed from above her and shoved it in her front pocket of her jeans before she could protest.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be in there for too long” Lies.

She handed me over her numerous amounts of bags and I accepted them less than willingly making her laugh.

“You’re the greatest brother in the world Harry” she coos up at me.

 “Yeah, yeah , yeah” I roll my eyes at her before walking away from her fits of laughter. I will never understand the obsession with malls when it comes to girls.

I saunter over to an empty seat and plop down on it and instantly feel stress-free as I place the bags before me on the floor. I can finally relax for a couple of minutes.

“Girlfriend has you exhausted too?” a voice asks. I look to my left as a guy in his mid-twenties takes a seat alongside me with bags in his hands.

“Sister” I correct and he raises an eyebrow. I look at her through the glass front of the store gaping at clothes as if she has never seen a shirt before in her life. I shake my head at her.

 “Wow, my sisters would trade me for you in a heartbeat if I brought them that much clothes let alone my girlfriend. I barely have any money to my name because of them” He says and I chuckle.

“Is it her birthday or something?” he asks.

“You can call it something like that”


If shopping with Gemma is like that, I can only imagine how it’d be with London.

“You’re welcome for the tenth time Gemma. I had a good time as well. Maybe this weekend we’ll go bowling or something with London?” I suggested with a shrug. I don’t even know if London likes bowling. I guess I’ll ask her later.

 She opened the door for me and I thanked her before stepping out outside, having the sun burn into my back.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I’d love to spend more time with her. She’s a sweetheart” she gushes and I smile. I knew they’d get along well together since they day of me introducing them to one another. It’s like Gemma is the big sister London always wanted or vice versa.

“Bye, I’ll call you later on tonight” I say while breaking away from her warm embrace and taking a step back.

“Alright, goodbye Harry!” she calls from the front door of her apartment, waving in my direction. I lift my hand up and return the gesture. She smiles before closing the door gently behind her.

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