Chapter 23: The Girls

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I heard the door open with an exchange of happy greetings. I peeked over the couch to take notice of the faces that belonged to the voices I was overhearing.

The first was an eighteen-year-old pretty brunette beauty who had roughly the same physique, height, and everything as me. Hailie. She must have recently dyed her hair a darker shade as opposed to her natural blonde locks—she was stunning yet either way. The one next to her giving Marshall the most hugs was a younger (but still very tall), bespectacled, twelve-year-old brace-faced cutie. Whitney. And last with them was an older woman in her late thirties with slightly darkened, dirty blonde hair, who had on casual jeans and a sweater. I gulped, sinking more into the couch. Kim.

"Thanks for bringing the girls," I heard Marshall say to Kim. "I missed you guys." I saw him give her a kiss on the cheek and hug her before she turned around and left. A pang of jealousy hit me. He couldn't still have feelings for her, could he?

That soon subsided when I saw Marshall, Hailie, and Whitney drawing nearer. I wasn't prepared; I really wanted to get along with them. If Hailie hated me, it would honestly tear me apart. I've always really admired her. Same with Whitney.

Marshall chatted with them briefly. "Getting out of school early? You girls shouldn't be ditching like that."

"Today was 'Senior Activity Announcements day' which is a preview for the things going on at the end of the year," Hailie explained. "It was so useless and boring. We didn't end up doing anything in our classes since it took up the entire time," she complained.

"Well, that stuff's got to be be important. You don't want to miss something, you know? What about you, Whitney?" Marshall asked.

"She said she wasn't feeling well," Hailie continued, speaking for her. After that, Whitney let out a nasty cough. "Plus, we really wanted to see you. It's been a while," Hailie added.

"I appreciate it, girls," he expressed, "but don't let this become a habit. I understand with Whitney's condition, though." Marshall stopped them for a second. "Oh, uh—there's something I got to let you guys know. There's actually somebody that's here at the house with me. I met her at one of my shows. I thought I'd introduce her." 

That having been my cue, I immediately stood up from the couch, making eye contact with the girls as I walked over with careful steps. Once reaching them, I stopped, standing face to face with Hailie and Whitney with Marshall right beside. I could see them eyeing me up and down. I'd begun to shake.

When I finally got to them, we heard the house phone go off. Me being the only one startled, I heard Marshall let out a groan, followed by a "Sorry, excuse me," leaving us three alone after that.

Watching as Marshall turned the corner, I turned back to face the girls in front of me again, arms folded shyly behind me. I cleared my throat and fixed my attention on Hailie first. She was so beautiful up close in person. I was eye-level to her so we indeed had nearly been the same height; me just being slightly taller. She, without a doubt, looked to be around my age, as well. I began first to her. "Hi, nice to meet you. You can call me Sal."

Hailie gave a polite smile. "Hey. Hailie," she greeted, introducing her name. I began to tremble a little. I feared that she was judging and looking down on me already. I turned to Whitney next.

She gave me a small smile. "I'm Whi—" she started, but then began to cough hoarsely.

"Are you okay?" I asked almost in a hurry; that didn't sound too good.

"Just a little sick," she answered.

I knelt down and brought the back of my hand up to her head. "Do you mind?" She lightly shook her head in response. I carefully went ahead and rested my hand on her forehead for a few seconds. I drew it back. "It seems to me you have a fever—somewhere around maybe a hundred or so." I looked up to Hailie. "Does she have a room?"

Hailie nodded in response. "It's upstairs." 

"We better take her to have her rest as soon as possible," I remarked. Them agreeing, the three of us now making our way up, we shortly reached her room. I stood outside a bit as Whitney got changed into light pajamas in privacy and settled into her bed. I came back in and talked to her again when finished. Hailie was right beside me. "What are some of your symptoms? When did you start feeling like this?" I asked Whitney.

"My throat aching, this coughing, and I feel like I'm burning up. My nose is stuffy, too; it's annoying. I started to not feel so well in English today... I asked to go to the office after and they called my mom to come pick me up from school."

Hailie watched us, turning from her to me as we conversed, face with interest the entire time.

"I see," I started again. "I have a sister that's close to your age. She came down with the same exact thing a while ago. It turned out she had the flu but it was a bad case of it. It lasted about a month for her. If we get you taken care of soon, it should go away faster," I said, offering her a loving smile. "You hungry?"

She nodded, smiling.

"We'll need something cold to bring your temperature down first," I suggested.

"Ice cream?" she brought up, hoping it could work.

I laughed, feeling like she was joking around. "I wish, girl, but it'll just end up making you feel worse."

"What about fruit bars?" Hailie all of a sudden jumped in. "Those are healthy."

"Yeah, that works," I said after, gleaming at Hailie, Whitney nodded along to us.

"We might have some downstairs in the fridge but I'm not so sure... want to come with me to check?" Hailie turned to ask me.

"Sure," I agreed excitedly.

"We'll be back," Hailie said to Whitney.

"Rest for now, okay, hun?" I advised, speaking next to Whitney

"Okay," Whitney said appreciatively despite her awful condition, removing her glasses and putting them aside. "Thank you, guys." I smiled watching her do so, going under her covers next. She was cute. I caught Hailie smiling from her to me.

Hailie and I soon made our way out of Whitney's room in search for at-home remedies to cure her sickness.

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