Chapter 33: I Missed You So

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Twenty minutes in, the four of us, Alaina, Whitney, Hailie, and I, were seen doing our own thing.

Alaina and Whitney had their eyes glued to the television screen while Hailie and I were mainly on our phones: Hailie chatting with other people while I was going through all my notifications. I kept giving them updates on the activity that's been going on.

I was still very stupefied. I didn't update anything or accept any requests yet; I just left them there. I would have to deal with it later. But then, how would I even begin to deal with all of this? "Are you kidding me?" I exclaimed instantly after I received something.

Hailie, Alaina, and Whitney looked at me alarmed.

I went on to explain my outburst to the girls. "There was this guy who used to be a good friend of mine in high school. Except, there was some drama that happened between us and we had a falling-out. Now, all since the news about me spread, I just got a message from him. He's a giant fan and he keeps bothering me to pass along his demos to Marshall to check out. No, thank you? I believe it was him or people from my school who ratted me out who never really cared for me in the first place," I figured. "What in the hell," I said, upset mostly.

"Just ignore him," Hailie responded, sounding frustrated. "All he's wanting is to seek attention and he's using you to try to gain that recognition."

"Douche," Alaina added. "How low of him, and to whoever revealed you. You're better off without them."

"I agree, it's completely unbelievable and stupid," Whitney said lastly. "It's sick the things they'll do."

I agreed with everyone, coming to a conclusion I might just get rid of my accounts on these sites all-in-all if that's how my past friends—all these "friends" I once knew—are going to treat and do to me.

I continued to mess around on my phone when I heard something that caught my interest from the TV. While I lifted my head up to give it a glance, something else had diverted my attention from that: I spotted Marshall standing in the dark hallway off to the side of the neighboring room, signaling at me to come over. I saw that the other girls didn't take notice of it. I excused myself from them.

I walked over carefully, going to meet up with him. We stood there in the darkened hall, facing one another. I was still slightly tense from his mood before. I took every step with precaution. "Hey," I carefully began.

"What the fuck's that with some guy?" he asked me firstly.

I came closer to him, trying to ease the tension, beginning softly. "I knew him from back in high school... he's an asshole," I groaned. "Did you catch the full story?"

"Yeah, I did," he slightly nodded. "Forget him and tell him you got no interest."

"I know," I agreed. "I've made plans to delete my Facebook; it's useless to me now."

"Good," he said.

I nodded slowly, looking down at the floor. I began again, looking straight up at Marshall. "Have you been alright?" I whispered gently.

"Not really," he replied then, worn out. "I've been working nonstop, it feels like. Been exhausted as fuck."

"I'm sorry," I let him know quietly, reaching my hand out and going to rub his arm soothingly up and down.

"Don't be," he said, letting out an exhale. "Thanks."

"Thanks?" that stopped me.

"For caring," he told me.

I smiled. Trying, he showed one back. With that, with this paused silence in between us, I decided to make a move. Hesitation, nervousness or not, I leaned in and attempted kissing him, comforting him with it. Doing so with ease, so gently, I hoped he would accept it. Being surprised, he took his two hands at that point and set them on my waist at either side, his own body felt against mine. He didn't repel my move, he let me have at him. Perhaps this was the feeling of what someone wanting you feels like; I wasn't sure. But at least I felt content. I put my arms around the back of his neck, drawing him in more, and he would lightly touch and caress me in return now and then.

After some time once we stopped, a thing came to me. I asked Marshall, pleading nicely. "Could you do a fast favor for me before the girls and I go out?"

"What is it?" Marshall said, curious.

"I wanted to call my sister back with you on the phone to give her a surprise. Only if you would be fine with it," I said.

He thought for a second, then nodded his head, looking like he didn't mind. He answered me, starting. "Sure, I'm down. Let's do it."

I joyfully thanked Marshall, letting him know I sincerely appreciated him participating in this call I was to make with my sister. Once stepping out from the hall, I came into view of the girls, plopping down on the couch. Marshall followed behind, acknowledging the girls. "Hey, back," I began at their interested looks. "I wanted to call my sister really quick before we take off. I'd love for you guys to join in."

They agreed they'd like to, all in smiles, as Marshall came and sat next to me after in between Alaina and Whitney, Hailie still on the side opposite of us. Taking my phone out of my purse, I dialed my sister. I heard a few rings going; I begged she would pick up. In so much relief, I heard an answer shortly after. "Hello?"

"Elle," I cried, excited.

"Hi—yeah?" she was perplexed at my sudden eagerness.

"Guess who's with me now?" I blurted, heart pounding in excitement. My eyes met with the others in the room, everyone looking entertained.

It went quiet on her side. " couldn't—"

"Say something," I whispered to Marshall away from the phone, passing it over to him in a jiffy before my sister was able to guess who.

He took it and spoke in it quickly. "Hello? Yo, is this Sal's sister?"

"Oh, my god," I heard come from the device. The girls and I laughed in the background. "...Eminem?"

"Yeah, what up?" he said proudly. "This is Slim mother-effing Shady," he introduced.

"I can't believe it; it's so cool I'm talking to you!" she screamed. She was freaking out over the phone and it was the cutest thing. I pushed Marshall around, dying on the inside at his remarks to her, all the girls gushing over how sweet she sounded.

"Yeah, yeah. What's your favorite song?"

"Um," she thought for a second. She responded moments later. "I'm obsessed with 'Love Game' right now," she could barely say straight.

I chuckled heartily. "You go, Elle," I called out.

"Jesus," Marshall exclaimed, having to laugh himself. "That's dope, though. Thanks," he expressed.

I told Marshall to hand me back the phone after we settled down. "Hey, Elle, would you like to talk to Hailie?"

"Sure," she agreed enthusiastically.

We passed the phone a little bit more around, Elle getting the chance to speak with Hailie, Alaina, and then Whitney, all for a little bit. Elle also mentioned that she received my postcard which was mailed express shipping to her. She told me she loved it. I was just happy it got to her so fast. I told her I wished she was here; she would have loved this vacation with me. "I'm sorry but we have to get going now," I eventually said to her, wrapping things up.

"Okay," she sighed. "Oh, hold on—" I heard her talk with someone else who happened to be in the same room as her. Oh, no; I recognized who it was immediately. "Sal? Mom wants to talk to you."

"No, thanks," I fully said in response. "Bye sis, I love you. I'll talk to you later," I hung up the phone without a further word. Everyone looked at me baffled. I explained—somewhat. "I have issues with my mom. I'd rather not talk about it." I changed the subject. "Anyway, we should probably get going," I smiled at them like there was nothing wrong.

Alaina, Hailie, and Whitney nodded, wanting to speak up but kept to themselves to show respect. We all got up from the couch and made our way to the door, grabbing our belongings and letting Marshall know our plans before heading out for the night.

Before I went out last, Marshall pulled me aside, speaking only to me briefly. "Hey. If you got any problems with your mom, family or shit, just letting you know I'm here if you need me."

I took a deep breath, saying the next words meaningfully. "I appreciate that; thank you."

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