-Trilogy Information.

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(I thought I better use the horrible fancy word in case people don’t know about my threequel alternative and get confused, we wouldn’t want that now)

I honestly cannot believe this. Seriously. You guys don’t realise how important my writing is to me, just the fact that one person likes my work is undoubtedly surreal, let alone over two and a half thousand. I really like writing and I’m quite serious about it being what I want to do in the future and your compliments, encourage, constructive criticism and amazing support honestly means the world to me. You all mean the world to me and I cannot thank you enough for supporting me, my writing and my works this far, I really can’t.

I promised you everything you need to know and you’re going to get that. If I’ve missed anything out or you have any questions, comments, suggestions AT ALL do not hesitate to inbox me. If you want a quicker reply I suggest you inbox me as I’m less likely to reply/see a comment/message board post(:

I’ve decided that the title of the third book is going to be Capture My Heart. The synopsis and stuff will be uploaded as soon as I’ve posted this so look out for that on the My Works section on my profile, (which I’ve just rewrote;)

The first chapter, real chapter, will be uploaded on the 28th of September. That gives me three weeks to sort everything out and get a plot straight and shiz before I post it. The date may come forward idk but it definitely won’t go back(:

I don’t know what I’ll be doing that night but I can estimate that the upload will be between the hours of 4:30 – 8:00 PM GMT. I live in England so bare in mind the time zones, and the fact that I won’t always be able to reply straight away. Some people sleep, me too;)

Also, uploads will become every other day. Apart from on weekends and sometimes other times I may surprise you;p It’s just because the amount of homework I’m getting is ridiculous and I really need to buckle down at school this year because I haven’t been last year and stuff loool. Maybe once I settle into a regular timetable and homework timetable they may return to everyday idk. But I hope you can understand that:D

Alright, love you all to fucking death and don’t hesitate to inbox me anything you want to know.

OH AND also if you want an even greater chance of quicker reply tweet me at @PaintedWriting (I check mentions more than DM’S, I forget about them)

http://ask.fm/thesamemistakess  - ask me shit.

See you sooon. And maybe if I get bored sometime soon I’ll upload some short stories I’ve had ideas for and stuff. Or maybe even a synopsis to the Harry fan fic I’m thinking about doing (Yes, it’s a Harry one bbz;)

Love you so much, you’re beautiful.

And we need a fanbase name;)


Second Snapshot (Picture This Sequel: Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now