Episode - 32

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Hey guys, I m here with the next episode. Enjoy reading.

To be continued...

Evening 7:00 p.m.

Sanskar came back from the office. He parked his car and goes inside. As he entered inside only to find everyone in the hall except Swara. He got confused. Sujata saw him.

" So, you came finally?" Sujatha asked in a calm tone but definitely not normal.

" Yeah mom, but what happened?" He felt something serious looking at everyone's expression. All looking at him with blank expression.

" That's what I wanted to ask you Sanskar? What happened to you that you did all that?" Sujata asked in little angry tone.

" Mom, what are you asking? Is anything wrong?" Sanskar asked not understanding anything.

" After doing something wrong, you are asking me? Don't you find it useless? Sujatha said looking at him.

Sanskar was looking at her.

"Anyways, I will tell you...  Swara left." Sujata continued further.

His facial expression changed. He got shocked.
" What?" He asked in shock.

" Yes, she left this house and before leaving she explained Everything. The truth of your marriage and your so-called deal with her." Sujatha told him sternly.

Sanskar was too shocked to say or react.
" Now, would you care to explain why you did all that, Sanskar? Just because you didn't want to get married." Rp said coming to him.

Knowing that they came  to know everything, sanskar find it useless to lie now and for what? So He tried to prepare to face it and he nods looking down.

" Why Sanskar? Just because of that one reason. You didn't think about anything? Marriage, relations, this family, about Swara And who is that girl you love? If you wanted then we could have married you both." Ap asked him.

" She wasn't ready for marriage yet. She wanted to focus on career." He said.

" Why?  Her career would have been ruined if she married you. Sanskar, we wanted to marry you this year only because of your kundali issue. I know you don't care about all these things but I do because you are my son. Why didn't You tell me anything before?" Sujata yelled at him.

" Yes, I did it but tell me something, mom?  If I would have told that I don't wanna marry, would you have listened? No right? You would have forced me to do it." Sanskar tried to speak.

" That doesn't make sense Sanskar. That doesn't make whatever you did was right. It was wrong. Do you think marriage is a game? And you know, you never even tried to talk to me once." Sujatha said angrily.

" I know mom, I was wrong. I shouldn't have done that but I didn't know what to do at that time. I m sorry." He said feeling bad. He knew he was wrong.

" sorry? Can sorry make everything okay?" Sujata asked him. Sanskar looks at her sadly.

Rp also said the same. Sanskar look at them. He knew they were angry but they were hurt. He knew it will happen when they will know the truth. He asked forgiveness from them.

" Sanskar, I always have proud of you. I never expected you could do anything like this. We trusted you sanskar. I m angry you but still not that much because there was something you did well. You helped Swara but that could have done in another way also. You wouldn't have the need to do this. Just for your one reason." Dp said and go from there.

" We always did what we thought best for you but you did something which really disappointing. You broke our trust and it hurt all of us. I didn't expected it from my son." Rp said. He also left to his room.

Ap look at him.
" Your sorry can't change anything sanskar. Can you correct it ? No right?" Ap asked him sadly.

" Let it be jiji, I don't think, it's any use to say anything to him now." Sujata said and they go from there.

Adarsh come to him and pats his shoulder.
" I know your intention was not wrong but it was wrong. they are hurt Sanskar. Just give them some time." Adarsh said.

Sanskar nods. Adarsh, pari and uttara also go from there.

Everyone goes from there leaving Sanskar. He closed his eyes fisting his hand. Then go upstairs. He entered his room banging the door loudly. He didn't see Swara then remember sujatha saying " swara left". He take out his neck tie and throw it on bed then sat on bed palming his face. He thinks about whatever happened downstairs. He was sad about it but he knew it would happen when he will tell the truth. He would have disclose it one day but now it doesn't matter anymore. He had already break up with kavita. He knows they are hurt but he gets determined to get forgiveness. Other than this, he was getting frustrated because of swara's leaving. Coming inside room and not seeing her,  was building some kind of restlessness inside him. It's not that he is angry on her that why did she tell the truth to family? No!! He is getting affected with her absence. He remembered last night, how he shouted on her.
Rubbing his forhead, not understanding anything, he looks away. His eyes caught the letter placed on table. He goes and take the letter and sat again on bed. He unfold it only to find her writting.

"Hi Sansk( cut) Sir,
You must have came to know that I left. I know you must be angry on me for that and I totally understand it. It was a deal and I broke it. You were doing your part perfectly and so I was but I can't continue further. I told you last night only. I m done with lies. I can't say more. You said right last night, you could have got any girl for this and now I really wish, I wouldn't have been that girl. I m sure that girl would have been stick to the deal and words unlike me. And yeah, please don't think that I m angry on you because of last night and that's why I told the truth to everyone and left. No! It's not like that. I m leaving because I can't do this anymore. Still I m sorry for whatever problems may have happened between you and your family but I am sure they will forgive you soon and me too. It's not that I m holding you responsible for everything, I was equally responsible and I am going to tell them about it . After that, it's their choice they wanna forgive or not. Anyway, it ended now so you won't have to pay for my father's expenditure in hospital from now on and I promise you, I will pay you back all the money, you paid for his treatment till now. But I need sometime, I don't have that much money for now. I hope you understand that.
Whether a favor, still You helped me when I was in need but I can't do it anymore. I can't make fun of this relationship anymore. I m really sorry. Hope you will forgive me for that. I said it always and I m saying again Your family loves you a lot. Your happiness matters to them. Take care of them and yourself. Good bye


After reading the letter, he got more frustrated especially the part where she written to return the money he paid for her father, asking forgiveness. Well he was angry on her but not for telling the truth. Only thing that was making his mind burst out that she left.. without even meeting him, didn't even cared to talk to him. If she wasn't angry on him for last night then why would she take such decision all of the sudden? Why would she do that?

" Fine!! Go wherever you want. I don't care. You thought about everything alone. It's nice that you told everything to family and they know everything. I won't have to take tension for that. And yeah, I will get my forgiveness myself. You don't need to care about that swara and I also don't care about you." He said

He angrily threw the letter on bed and  runs his fingers through his hair to calm down. He closed his eyes and got flashes of her smiling face, then teary and hurt face.

"DAMN IT, why the hell I m lying to myself. I want to see her." He murmured under his breathe and keep the letter in his pocket and instantly took his car keys and rushed out.

To be continued..
That's all for today's part. Will be back soon with next episode.

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