Baby Baby, You're A Caramel Macchiato

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Hoseok rinsed his hands once he had placed the last two strips of bacon into the pan, before continuing on to making some toast. He got some butter out and waited for the bacon to cook.

"Ow what the- ow okay okay- gotta lower the temperature a bit..."

The bacon was soon done and he plated them with the toast.

"Hm... should I make eggs?" He stared at the refrigerator. "I feel like I'm forgetting something..."

He placed the plate next to the butter before walking up to a drawer for the cutleries. Placing them onto the plate, he went up to the fridge to check for eggs.

I still feel like I'm forgetting something...

It is quite a busy day today for him.

Apart from modeling, Hoseok helps choreograph some dances for the idols under the company he works in. He's very well known in the dance world, doing a lot of underground dancing before bringing forth his talent to the public, which then earned him a model and choreographer contract at the company he is in now. He also just started working with the new boy group that debuted a few months ago. 

It had been fun, to say the least. Hectic, but fun.

For the agenda today, he would have to attend two meetings, one was for the dancing, and the other for modeling.

He looked through the fridge.

Also on the agenda, grocery shopping.

Cool cool.

He closed the fridge and went up to his plate, noticing Mickey trying to climb onto the table. The man snorted amusedly, the dog's short legs giving it a hard time to get the food.

"Aish Mickey-ah... I just fed you."

He pulled out another chair and sat, dragging the food towards himself and to prevent Mickey from trying again.

He stared at his food, the butter, and-



The damn coffee.

He bit into his bread and got up to the cabinets to get the coffee.

No coffee.


Next cabinet then.

No coffee as well.

That's fine.

To the pantry.

Also no coffee.

Oh, dear.

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