Oh No

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Hoseok had to leave his phone with his manager, just to be sure that the judges would focus more on the contestants and to prevent any distractions.

It was break time now, getting to use the gadget for a few minutes would be no problem.

His manager and two other people – to which Hobi recognised as the hair and make-up stylist – came up to the podium to do some touch-ups on him.

His manager handed his phone to him, and he tried his very best to stay still to let the other two fuss over his looks, while he checked for some messages and whatnot.

There were a few messages from his family members and Joon, and he replied to them all as quickly as he could.

There was only a 10-minute break, so Hobi was going to do as much as he could in that time limit.

He opened up Instagram, and was suddenly greeted with many more notifications. He looked through one by one, wanting to deal with comments that were in other languages later.

He went through the list when he came up with the notification that Yoongi has liked his photo.

He gasped and smiled, the attention from the elder making his heart pick up and he so badly wanted to message him.

Shall I? Or shall I not...? Maybe a message wouldn't hurt... but if he really freaked out, he would not like my other posts... then he would ignore me at the café... he might quit his job or- or even move-

His lips turned to a pout; mind torn between wanting to send a message to the elder but not wanting him to be creeped out by his advances.

He was still happy though. Yoongi-hyung did like his picture anyway. That was enough to make his day.

"What's got you all smiling huh?"

He turned around, by then the stylists have already done their duties. Bash had his head tilted as he looked at the other questioningly.

"Oh... its nothing..."

"Surely it's something... this whole time you've been very nervous, I could feel you shaking even though I never touched you."

"It's coz I'm sitting next to you... and well... this whole thing is a new experience for me... so I'm not sure if I'm doing things right..."

"Hey, listen," Bash reached out to pat his hand that was resting on the table, "It is nerve-wracking, but you're actually doing fine so far. The way you complimented them at the same time giving them lots of tips and such for them to improve, is very honourable and amazing. You are doing well. Don't doubt it."

The model would lie if he said he didn't jump when Bash touched him. He let the other comfort him and just nodded with a shy smile at the compliments. When the hand left, Hoseok took a second to figure out what this feeling was which was different.

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The light entering the room distracted him from his slumber. He smacked his lips softly, turning away from the light source to at least get more sleep.

Last night was crazy.

After the show, they went out for a small celebratory dinner, and he ended drinking as well. Drinking too much, in fact-

Save My Heart [ Sope AU ]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα